Washington, DC – Between the time Rep. McIntyre voted to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House the actions/inaction of Congress has resulted in a $1.68 per gallon price rise for a gallon of gas. Will Breazeale and the Republicans in Congress have a plan that would actually reduce it by $1.98 per gallon.
McIntyre and Pelosi have blocked drilling for the extensive oil deposits in North Alaska and off shore in the lower 48 states. Cuba is allowing the Chinese and others to drill in areas that US companies are prohibited from drilling by Congress. McIntyre and Congress have also blocked any new gasoline refineries being built – even though the damage from Hurricaines’ Rita and Katerina showed how shockingly short of refinery capacity we are.
McIntyre voted against legislation that would have eased restrictions on building refineries and also against building refineries on abandoned military bases. He also has voted against drilling for oil. He has also voted to increase taxes on gasoline producers – even though gasoline is one of the most taxed commodities already with the Federal government and the states taxing many times the oil companies’ profit on a gallon of gas.
What the USA needs is a comprehensive policy on energy – drilling for new oil where it exists here in the US – building new nuclear power plants – allowing our abundant supplies of coal to be mined and used to provide clean affordable power – encouraging private enterprise to develop new alternative sources of energy – allow US oil companies to expand their refining capabilities – end subsidies for converting corn to ethanol, which does little to expand energy supplies but greatly inflates the cost of food.
Candidate Will Breazeale and the Republicans in currently in Congress have a plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reduce the price of gas. The estimate is that rather than $4.02 per gallon it would be $2.04 per gallon. These are not pie in the sky proposals like windmills and solar. There is nothing wrong with wind and solar - but they will not substantially reduce our dependence on foreign oil for years. They are not proposing punitive taxes on the people who actually produce oil and gas.
Here is an estimate based on data produced by the Office of the House Republican Whip:
Republican Plan to Lower Gas Prices
Bring onshore oil online (ANWR, Shale)$0.70 -$1.60
Bring deepwater oil online (OCS)$0.90 -$2.50
Bring new refineries online (none since ’76)$0.15 -$0.45
Cut earmarks to fund gas tax holiday$0.18
Halt oil shipments to SPR$0.05
Savings (at least):$1.98
The people of North Carolina deserve better representation than Mike McIntyre costing them up to $2.00 a gallon – they need Will Breazeale working to keep their money where it belongs – in their own wallet!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Was superdelegate McIntyre's vote worth $101,249?
Don Surber has calculated that each delegate cost Obama $101,249. One has to wonder if McIntyre's vote was worth the cost? But I bet Obama will help McIntyre raise that much and more, now that Mike is "on the bus" for Denver.
But then it is part moonshine!

Liberals like Mike McIntyre think buying up feed corn to brew "Corn Likker" and putting it into our gas tanks is a new novel idea - he claims to be an NC native but he seems more like a "revenooer". Bet there are still quite a few folks around who understand about drivin around with a tank full of "white lightnin".
He not only has driven up the cost of gas but the cost of food too! But then trial lawyers like him have never understood the real cost of anything!
Monday, June 9, 2008
McIntyre drops last shred of "Blue Dog" image
Ever since his first election to Congress, Mike McIntyre has tried hard to convince the voters he was a "conservative" a "Blue Dog". He was successful, as long as the Democrats were not in power in Congress. But that all changed when the Democrats won the majority in 2006.
The first indication that his image was slipping was when he voted to make ultraliberal Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House. He has followed that with many votes with the liberals against the conservative principles of the voters in district 7.
He has finally shown his true colors by endorsing Obama for President and calling for the Democrat Party to "unify".
The story, as reported by WWAY TV3 generated the following comments:
The first indication that his image was slipping was when he voted to make ultraliberal Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House. He has followed that with many votes with the liberals against the conservative principles of the voters in district 7.
He has finally shown his true colors by endorsing Obama for President and calling for the Democrat Party to "unify".
The story, as reported by WWAY TV3 generated the following comments:
Mikey takes a stand
Submitted by Guest666669588 (not verified) on 7 June 2008 - 11:26am.
Big Mike takes time away from writing pork checks to endorse Obama! Geez...which is the lesser of two evils.....Obama or pork?
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McIntyre supports a Socilaist
Submitted by Guest Rapper on 8 June 2008 - 9:18am.
I have voted for McIntyre every time since his second election. I have appreciated his support for the military and the Second Amendment.
His recent rantings against oil companies made me start to wonder if he was jumping on the nutjob left-wing bandwagon, and his announced support for Obama leaves little doubt in my mind. He wants a committee chairmanship, and will not get it without towing Pelosi's line.
Hopefully many others will send Mcintyre a goodbye message by NOT voting for him in November. It will take every one of us, because the entire Western half of District 7 is occupied by societal sponges with their hands out collecting TANF, food stamps, Medicaid, and every other program YOUR tax dollars fund.
breazeale for congress,
take back congress
Friday, June 6, 2008
Breazeale issues Debate Challenge to McIntyre
Will Breazeale Republican candidate for Congress in the NC 7 district has issued a challenge for a series of debates between himself and incumbent Mike McIntyre. The letter to McIntyre - in PDF format can be found here.
The text is as follows:
27 May 2008
Dear Congressman McIntyre,
As you know, I am the Nominee of the Republican Party for U.S. Congress District 7-NC. I wanted to write to you for two reasons: to congratulate you on your recent re-nomination for U.S. Congress District 7-NC as the Nominee of the Democrat Party and to formally challenge you to a series of debates between now and Election Day on 4 November 2008.
Our country and Congressional District face very important issues such as our lagging economy with associated high gas and food prices, our inefficient and complicated tax system, the War in Iraq, Health Care and the illegal immigrant problem. Many people in our district are hurting and want answers from us, not political posturing. You have declined to debate ANY candidate running against you since you were originally elected in 1996.
You have stated to the media that “people know you so you do not need to debate.” The average person moves every five years in this country. As you know, our district experiences constant change every year from new people and businesses who I will submit do NOT know you. In fact, as I campaign around our district, I find the average person cannot even name you when asked who their Congressman is. It is clear, that in order to fully inform the people of this district on the issues so they can make an informed choice at the polls, we MUST debate! As a trial lawyer, you know the truth only comes out upon cross examination. It is time for you to give the people of this district a chance to cross examine our positions on issues that matter to them.
This brings me to the following proposal:
1. Agree to debate me in an open forum with allowances for TV, radio and print media coverage at least 4 times starting in July and continuing once per month until October. (July, August, September, October)
2. All debates should last 2 hours.
3. At least 2 debates should be in town hall format with questions from the audience.
4. At least 2 debates should allow open exchange between us.
5. No debate should happen twice in any county to ensure the entire district has a chance to see us in person.
Any other details can be worked out between our staffs. The contact person for my staff is George Bell, Campaign Manager, at 910-508-0537. I ask
your campaign to respond to this request no later than 15 June 2008 with an answer and/or counter offer. I urge your participation in the proposed debates.
Will Breazeale
Republican Candidate for Congress
(Dist. 7-NC)
The text is as follows:
27 May 2008
Dear Congressman McIntyre,
As you know, I am the Nominee of the Republican Party for U.S. Congress District 7-NC. I wanted to write to you for two reasons: to congratulate you on your recent re-nomination for U.S. Congress District 7-NC as the Nominee of the Democrat Party and to formally challenge you to a series of debates between now and Election Day on 4 November 2008.
Our country and Congressional District face very important issues such as our lagging economy with associated high gas and food prices, our inefficient and complicated tax system, the War in Iraq, Health Care and the illegal immigrant problem. Many people in our district are hurting and want answers from us, not political posturing. You have declined to debate ANY candidate running against you since you were originally elected in 1996.
You have stated to the media that “people know you so you do not need to debate.” The average person moves every five years in this country. As you know, our district experiences constant change every year from new people and businesses who I will submit do NOT know you. In fact, as I campaign around our district, I find the average person cannot even name you when asked who their Congressman is. It is clear, that in order to fully inform the people of this district on the issues so they can make an informed choice at the polls, we MUST debate! As a trial lawyer, you know the truth only comes out upon cross examination. It is time for you to give the people of this district a chance to cross examine our positions on issues that matter to them.
This brings me to the following proposal:
1. Agree to debate me in an open forum with allowances for TV, radio and print media coverage at least 4 times starting in July and continuing once per month until October. (July, August, September, October)
2. All debates should last 2 hours.
3. At least 2 debates should be in town hall format with questions from the audience.
4. At least 2 debates should allow open exchange between us.
5. No debate should happen twice in any county to ensure the entire district has a chance to see us in person.
Any other details can be worked out between our staffs. The contact person for my staff is George Bell, Campaign Manager, at 910-508-0537. I ask
your campaign to respond to this request no later than 15 June 2008 with an answer and/or counter offer. I urge your participation in the proposed debates.
Will Breazeale
Republican Candidate for Congress
(Dist. 7-NC)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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