White Lake, NC – Congressional candidate Will Breazeale (NC-7) supports the passage of HR 2881, FAA Reauthorization, which authorizes funding and sets policy for the Federal Aviation Administration for the next 4 years. Breazeale sees this legislation as very important because it does not include high new user fees proposed by the FAA which would have hurt general aviation and damaged local airports – important infrastructure for local economic development in the 7th District in southeastern NC.
As an airline pilot himself Breazeale feels that another portion of the bill is also important. The bill also allows a pilot to continue to serve as a passenger airline pilot until the age of 65 years old, provided that they continue to meet strict medical and proficiency requirements. Currently they are required to retire at age 60.
"This bill is a victory for general aviation because it does not include high user fees that were originally proposed," said Breazeale. "High user fees for general aviation would threaten our local airports which are so important to economic development. "
"I am also happy to see that this bill includes language that allows a pilot to serve as a passenger airline pilot until the age of 65. Safety in the skies is top priority for our nation's airline industry and we can continue this standard by keeping our most experienced pilots from forced early retirements."
Breazeale has heard from many of his fellow pilots about this bill and is now watching carefully its progress through the Senate.
More information on his stands on issues van be found at www.PilotsforWill.com
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