This week has been wonderful! The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting in Washington, DC gave me the opportunity to attend speeches by President Bush and Vice President Cheney. The largest part of my time there was taken up networking with many of the leading conservative voices in the United States who can help our campaign like: Gordon Liddy, Robert Novak, Wayne Lapierre and Jerry Falwell Jr. I also interviewed with national bloggers, radio shows and the Bill Maher Show on HBO. Here is one of the blogger interviews and here is a podcast of another.
In honor of Ronald Reagan who formed CPAC and whose Presidency is celebrated at dinners this month:
Ronald Reagan said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…" 36% of the world's population is "Not Free." The worst offenders are: Libya, North Korea, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It will take a strong Republican Congress to ensure not only the USA but other countries continue to know freedom. This makes our victory in Iraq so important, because Iraq sits at the geographic center of mass of the "Not F

Last Saturday night in Fayetteville I gave a speech to 250 people at the Cumberland County Republican Party Reagan Day dinner. Sen. Dole and Rep. Hayes, were among the attendees. As part of my best speech, which I felt was well received, I had Sen. Dole and Rep. Hayes witness my signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
When I mentioned that I am strongly in favor replacing the current income tax with something like the Fairtax, a large part of the audience rose to their feet cheering in support! This really gained the attention of all present that the income tax has to go and replacing it with a new system that is Fair, Flat and hard to cheat is a popular and current issue! (Go to http://www.fairtax.org/ to learn more!)
When I mentioned that I am strongly in favor replacing the current income tax with something like the Fairtax, a large part of the audience rose to their feet cheering in support! This really gained the attention of all present that the income tax has to go and replacing it with a new system that is Fair, Flat and hard to cheat is a popular and current issue! (Go to http://www.fairtax.org/ to learn more!)
The campaign of the 12 Iraq War Veterans running for Congress is going well! Go to http://www.iraqvetsforcongress.com/ As part of that effort, we are asking that people across the country to give at least $25 to each Iraq War Vet in the group. Only 4000 donors at $25 each will raise $100,000! We just received one this morning from Denver, CO.
We have a fundraising party scheduled this Friday the 15th of Feb in Cumberland County. Please call Nicole Siemer at 910-423-6362 to RSVP and to get directions! This party will put us one step closer to raising our goal of $200,000 by March 31! I hope you will c

I formally filed for this Congressional race today at noon in Raleigh! Watch the Robesonian Newspaper in Lumberton, other newspapers and TV stations for a report of how it went! It costs $1,652 in order to file with the state for this election just to get my name on the ballot.
Take care,

PS- We have some serious fund raising opportunities coming soon, but we need to let potential donors know when and where. To do that takes mail and the post office won't take our IOU's. Your contribution of $205 today will pay for mailing 500 invitations, your "seed" money can grow and put us over the top in these efforts. Won't you mail us a check or save the stamp and do it quick and easy online at SlateCard.com. PSS – Pass this email along to all your friends (especially the ones that fill your email box with jokes and chain letters :)
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