Hello again!
This has been a pivotal week in the campaign. Fox News in New York interviewed me last week for a story to air during the Brit Hume report as early as Tuesday. I will send you an email alert when we find out the exact time. This national exposure is wonderful, increasing the Campaign’s visibility and can bring in support and donations from all across the country!
This national exposure will also mean other opportunities for high profile interviews partly because of my Iraq War Veteran status. People do trust veterans, not just for what we have already done, but for what we say and we will do. They trust veterans to get things DONE! With the current Congress’ approval rating (22%), the people are demanding Representatives who will say what they mean and do what they say! I promise you that this Veteran will fill that bill!
I had a wonderful time speaking to the Pender County GOP Salute to Veterans as their keynote speaker. State R
epresentative Carolyn Justice and County Chair Bob Muller were excellent hosts. Both told me with complete confidence that based on my qualifications to be our next Congressman and their efforts I will win Pender County. The members of the Pender County GOP are ready for a change and are ready to work with us for that change. State Rep. Carolyn Justice presented me with a NC Flag she had flown over the State House in Raleigh to honor my military service. This is one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever received and I look forward to hanging it behind my desk in Washington this January!
I look forward to walking thru Pender County with Caroline and their Republican Sheriff (one of only two in the whole district) meeting the voters and listening to their ideas on how to improve things in the County.
Newsflash: The Democratic Congress is at it again. In a display of their total lack of understanding about what it takes to serve in the military, the Democrat controlled Congress formed a Guard and Reserve study group. The group not only did not recommend improving the retirement system for the reserves but instead recommended to impose that same retirement scheme on the active military. Currently the members of the active force who retire after their 20 years can start to collect their well-earned retirement immediately while reservists must wait until age 60 to start receiving their money, even if they retire years earlier. This will devastate our active forces and cause difficulties for the Reserve forces trying to fill the void. There will be even less incentive for active members to stay in until retirement. This wrong-headed idea is similar to what happened when the Democrats controlled Congress in the early 1990s. They reduced base pay retirement to 40% from 50% also to "save money." The Army is still recovering from the loss of those valuable, trained and experienced Soldiers. The ignorance of the current Congress concerning military operations and personnel is surprising and dangerous. There is a serious disconnect between the Democratic Party and the military that worries me. Time and time again the Democratic Party has shown it will NOT take care of our military when needed.
This is exactly why I am running. There are too many lawyers and not enough of a cross section of regular people in Congress. There are too many self serving people in Congress and not enough public servants.
This Thursday I am attending an Iraq War Veterans for Congress event in Las Vegas, on Friday the Bladen County GOP Convention, and on Saturday the New Hanover GOP Convention. I am also excited about upcoming major fundraisers we are having in Fayetteville and Newnan, GA! Hope to see you at one of these events!
Take care

This has been a pivotal week in the campaign. Fox News in New York interviewed me last week for a story to air during the Brit Hume report as early as Tuesday. I will send you an email alert when we find out the exact time. This national exposure is wonderful, increasing the Campaign’s visibility and can bring in support and donations from all across the country!
This national exposure will also mean other opportunities for high profile interviews partly because of my Iraq War Veteran status. People do trust veterans, not just for what we have already done, but for what we say and we will do. They trust veterans to get things DONE! With the current Congress’ approval rating (22%), the people are demanding Representatives who will say what they mean and do what they say! I promise you that this Veteran will fill that bill!
I had a wonderful time speaking to the Pender County GOP Salute to Veterans as their keynote speaker. State R

I look forward to walking thru Pender County with Caroline and their Republican Sheriff (one of only two in the whole district) meeting the voters and listening to their ideas on how to improve things in the County.
Newsflash: The Democratic Congress is at it again. In a display of their total lack of understanding about what it takes to serve in the military, the Democrat controlled Congress formed a Guard and Reserve study group. The group not only did not recommend improving the retirement system for the reserves but instead recommended to impose that same retirement scheme on the active military. Currently the members of the active force who retire after their 20 years can start to collect their well-earned retirement immediately while reservists must wait until age 60 to start receiving their money, even if they retire years earlier. This will devastate our active forces and cause difficulties for the Reserve forces trying to fill the void. There will be even less incentive for active members to stay in until retirement. This wrong-headed idea is similar to what happened when the Democrats controlled Congress in the early 1990s. They reduced base pay retirement to 40% from 50% also to "save money." The Army is still recovering from the loss of those valuable, trained and experienced Soldiers. The ignorance of the current Congress concerning military operations and personnel is surprising and dangerous. There is a serious disconnect between the Democratic Party and the military that worries me. Time and time again the Democratic Party has shown it will NOT take care of our military when needed.
This is exactly why I am running. There are too many lawyers and not enough of a cross section of regular people in Congress. There are too many self serving people in Congress and not enough public servants.
This Thursday I am attending an Iraq War Veterans for Congress event in Las Vegas, on Friday the Bladen County GOP Convention, and on Saturday the New Hanover GOP Convention. I am also excited about upcoming major fundraisers we are having in Fayetteville and Newnan, GA! Hope to see you at one of these events!
Take care

PS: If you want a yard sign, be sure and log in to: http://www.awilltowin.com/. Click on volunteer and check that you want a yard sign. We will get it to you ASAP!!! And remember that your donation of $201 today will show the world your support and let us order another 100 signs to get the message out in supporter’s yards across the district!
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