Dear FairTax supporters: The FairTax campaign was very visible April 15th in Washington, D.C. when we delivered, along with the National Taxpayers Union, more than 160,000 FairTax petition signatures to Rep. John Linder and other FairTax co-sponsors.
Ken Hoagland (center) and Duane Parde, President of the National Taxypayers Union, delivering a combined 163,000 signatures to Rep. John Linder (right), lead sponsor of H.R. 25. April 15th also saw Rep. Gresham Barrett of South Carolina become the newest Congressional co-sponsor of the FairTax bringing our total to 71! We are not there yet with a majority but this represents the greatest number of co-sponsors for the FairTax to date--and we're only getting stronger. Thank you. In Washington, we took the FairTax bus to Union Station where we saw even more enthusiasm for the FairTax. The bus was, of course, eye-
The FairTax bus, flanked by DC Capital Metro police cars, at the IRS headquarters in Washington on Tax Day. It was then on the Rayburn House Office Building where we proudly carried our blown up petition poster and 103,000 petition names bound in four handsome books. We met up the new leader of the National Taxpayers Union who brought 63,000 more petition names to the event. We think it very healthy that other organizations are coming on board as excitement for our worthy cause grows. We presented the petitions, talked with many co-sponsors and snapped photos for hometown releases for the next hour. FairTax House sponsor Rep. John Linder was appreciative and complimentary and continues to push hard inside Congress. The voice of so many citizens strengthens his hand, of course. The petition will now be broken down by Congressional district and sent along to Members of Congress who have not yet come aboard as co-sponsors of H.R. 25 and S. 1025 and will be sent to each of the leading Presidential candidates. Thank you for your support and for your belief that "We, the People," can direct government policy. Together, we are moving the FairTax closer and closer to being enacted into law. This is a citizen campaign determined to make public policy actually serve the public. What's next? We need to take our message to Town Hall meetings hosted by Congressional Members in hometowns across the country. Now that April 15th is past, we will be focusing on getting the word out and asking local leaders to take our case directly to elected officials in your hometowns. Sincerely, Ken HoaglandCommunications Director
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