Hello All
Thank goodness the Primary is almost here! Since I have no primary opponent, my name is not on the Primary Ballot, but neither is McIntyre's. I have been focusing on voters of this district on the one and only race in district 7 - the one that will be decided on November 4th 2008.
I have begun challenging McIntyre's campaign through the media and by letter to schedule a
t least 3 face to face - Breazeale vs McIntyre - debates before the November election. If McIntyre believes his positions on the issues are superior to mine, he should have no problem defending them on a debate stage.
Thank goodness the Primary is almost here! Since I have no primary opponent, my name is not on the Primary Ballot, but neither is McIntyre's. I have been focusing on voters of this district on the one and only race in district 7 - the one that will be decided on November 4th 2008.
I have begun challenging McIntyre's campaign through the media and by letter to schedule a

The truth is he is ashamed of his liberal voting record and ashamed of the the standard bearers of his party: Hillary and Obama. That is evident in his refusal, as a Super Delegate for the Democrat Party, to endorse either of them!
My "Fair Heath Plan", I am happy to report, is receiving favorable response from all over NC and SC. So far, I have only revealed it in speeches to Medical Societies, but soon I'll put the details on our website. Doctors who have heard it are excited that there is finally a candidate who understands health care from all angles: the poor, insurance, illegal immigrant, emergency room care, etc. I am also happy that health care professionals are opening their wallets to this campaign as well, including a recent donation from a Physician member of the Lumbee Indian Tribe.
Our campaign is busy preparing to utilize the many College / Young Republicans who have volunteered to work this summer. These young people are energetic and committed. If you would like to provide a place for one or more students to stay this summer, please email us to let us know!
Saturday was a busy day....I competed in a triathlon held in my hometown of White Lake, NC. Swimming 750 yards in the open waters of White Lake, biking 14 miles around the lake, then running 3.1 miles to the finish line. This was great preparation for the race I am in with a November 4th finish line! Nothing inspires people more than to see their candidate for Congress running to a strong finish! I was also thrilled to see Whitney Cook of Wilmington wearing a Breazeale for Congress T-Shirt during the competition!
After the triathlon, I ran (OK for this leg I drove) to Oak Island for a speech to fellow Veterans of Foreign Wars members. Their applause and encouragement reinforced the fact that veterans want a change in leadership in this district. It means so much to them that they have as a Congressional candidate someone who made the sacrifice, just as they did, by serving in the military. A candidate who knows first hand the dangers and difficulties involved in fighting for our country. They recognize that McIntyre only knows what he has been told in Washington committees or what he has
seen on junkets or whirlwind visits to bases - being treated as a VIP, only seeing what the "Brass" wants him to see. They know that I will continue to serve our country after I am elected making this a safer and stronger nation.
My personal tradition of service will continue through programs like Fair Health - to improve our citizens' access to affordable health care and Fair Tax - to stimulate our economy!
As you read this, I am piloting a 737 for Airtran Airways 41,000 feet above the earth, serving the passengers by safely transporting them to exciting destinations on the west coast for work or pleasure, however nothing is more exciting to me than the prospect of winning this Congressional race for
all of us. Keep up the good work and the prayers! (And a donation would be greatly appreciated!)

Saturday was a busy day....I competed in a triathlon held in my hometown of White Lake, NC. Swimming 750 yards in the open waters of White Lake, biking 14 miles around the lake, then running 3.1 miles to the finish line. This was great preparation for the race I am in with a November 4th finish line! Nothing inspires people more than to see their candidate for Congress running to a strong finish! I was also thrilled to see Whitney Cook of Wilmington wearing a Breazeale for Congress T-Shirt during the competition!
After the triathlon, I ran (OK for this leg I drove) to Oak Island for a speech to fellow Veterans of Foreign Wars members. Their applause and encouragement reinforced the fact that veterans want a change in leadership in this district. It means so much to them that they have as a Congressional candidate someone who made the sacrifice, just as they did, by serving in the military. A candidate who knows first hand the dangers and difficulties involved in fighting for our country. They recognize that McIntyre only knows what he has been told in Washington committees or what he has
seen on junkets or whirlwind visits to bases - being treated as a VIP, only seeing what the "Brass" wants him to see. They know that I will continue to serve our country after I am elected making this a safer and stronger nation.
My personal tradition of service will continue through programs like Fair Health - to improve our citizens' access to affordable health care and Fair Tax - to stimulate our economy!
As you read this, I am piloting a 737 for Airtran Airways 41,000 feet above the earth, serving the passengers by safely transporting them to exciting destinations on the west coast for work or pleasure, however nothing is more exciting to me than the prospect of winning this Congressional race for
all of us. Keep up the good work and the prayers! (And a donation would be greatly appreciated!)

PS: After Saturday, Kyle Busch leads the Sprint Cup Nascar series in points but the real race will be the Championship that will be determined next November. Whoever wins that long race will need lots of help, their pit crew, their sponsors and their fans. Just like this Congressional race, the "Driver" can't win all by himself. I need your help as well. I need you as a volunteer for my "pit crew", as a donor or "sponsor", as a voter or "fan"! Here's an idea - invite some friends over for a BBQ before a Nascar race - I'll drop by to chat with my "fans" and "sponsors" before the race - now that would be a great summer afternoon! Contact our events scheduler and we'll help set it up!
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle |
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress |
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