Monday, October 15, 2007

From Michael Yon

Michael Yon posts from Iraq as an independent embed. Here is his latest:

Achievements of the Human Heart
October 15, 2007
Achievements of the Human Heart

When the 1-4 CAV first arrived to set up COP Amanche, the neighorbood looked beyond hope.

On April 30, 2007, I published the conclusion of a two-part dispatch, Desires of the Human Heart, about the efforts of the 1-4 CAV to transform an abandoned seminary into COP Amanche, an outpost in a Baghdad neighborhood that had been all but deserted after more than a year of sectarian violence. One of the last photographs, shown below, depicted the 1-4 Commander, LTC James Crider, looking out over the compound which his soldiers had managed to make operational over the course of a single weekend. I captioned the photograph with this modestly optimistic thought:

[Read it all]

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