Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Newsletter

It is Christmas Eve and there is one thing I would like to emphasize. The Republican Party is a party of peace through strength. "Peace on Earth" will only be achieved by having the strength to keep rogue nations and organizations in check. Veterans like myself feel for our soldiers who are paying the price, being away from their families during Christmas, but this sacrifice shows our national resolve to preserve peace and our way of life which involves freedom of religion among other rights and privileges.

Beginning 2 Jan 08 we will be in our "4th quarter" for this election. This begins the period where our campaign will do what it takes to win this race. This will involve long working hours and no days off, especially for me. Every spare minute I have, I am calling people for donations to the campaign, reading a variety of newspapers to keep up on the issues and I am looking for events to meet the most people possible to tell them our innovative ideas to better their lives and our country.

I urge each of you to go the extra mile in helping our campaign in 2008. Please do not wait for us to creative and come up with ways you can help us...especially financially.

I pray for you and your families to have a wonderful and meaningful celebration of Jesus' Birth. Have a happy and safe New Year as well!

God Bless,


Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, December 17, 2007

Newletter 12-17-07

It is almost Christmas! I ask all of you to continue to pray for our soldiers and their families, as Christmas is a very tough time of year for the many families separated by distance and danger. I should know, I have spent 2 of the last 3 Christmas Days overseas in combat zones myself.

Now for this week's issues:

Victory for airline pilots and your traveling safety was accomplished this week! The House and Senate unanimously approved raising the retirement age for the nation's 80,000 airline pilots from 60 to 65. This allows pilots to financially makeup for their disappearing pensions due to the terrible effect that 9/11 had on the financial bottom line of airlines. Many airlines like US Airways and United were granted Bankruptcy Court approval to cancel their pension plans. This left my fellow airline pilots in a terrible financial position for retirement. Now pilots can work an extra 5 years to build up their savings and to provide you with more experience to serve you as you travel. It took Congress and the President less than a week to make this change in the law happen. This shows what can be done when our government works together!

Earmarks have reared their ugly head. I was reading USA Today's December 12th edition and the December 14th edition and we all know that the many US House and Senate members like to bring home the pork, but you may not know just how out of control they are! For fiscal year 2008, the House had $4.5 Billion in earmarks for an average of $10.7 Million per requesting member. This is outrageous! And much of this money is to reward contributors for funding their campaigns. The money for the earmarks is not the personal money of Members of is YOUR tax money that they are wasting just to keep their jobs.

Mike McIntyre is guilty of the same thing. One his many earmarks included $75,000 to a golf cart company in Bladen County which gained the laughter and the amazement of local residents. When Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats took control of Congress last January, they said they would change things particularly they would end the abusive earmarks. As with nearly all the other campaign promises they made, their words did not match their actions. The Democrats continue to break their campaign promises by maneuvering to squash any scrutiny of numerous earmarks which were inserted secretly into appropriations bills. North Carolina’s taxpayers will never know if these secret projects are nothing more than a boondoggle. Think about it, do you want your hard earned tax dollars spent on Pork Barrel projects with no scrutiny? McIntyre does, he had plenty of opportunities this year to vote against earmarks - but he won’t do it – if he votes against theirs, they might vote against his!

In the meantime, I am going to ask all of you who are not looking for Pork Barrel earmarks for your continuing financial support. Just whip out your credit card and donate on-line at Most of our contributions are under $250 which is fine with me. I would much rather have 1,000-$250 contributions than 250-$1,000 contributions!

Until next week,
P.S.- Please remember to call our scheduler, Ashley Stanton, with your date to hold a house party/fundraising reception for me with your friends and family in attendance. When you book a date, our events coordinator, Nicole Siemer and her team, will come and help you setup before the party to make it a huge success.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Help scrap the income tax!

I know, Santa is coming but so is that crucial end of the year - gotta do this so it goes on this year's taxes - is only a week after Christmas. Why do we have to do that?

If the FAIR Tax were implemented that week between Christmas and New Years would be no big deal. It wouldn't matter what you bought or paid for or donated to before the end of the year! There would be no need because there would be no income tax.

This year you can do some year end - last minute donating that could mean in future years you would not ever have to think about income taxes (at least federal ones) again.

Make a donation now to a FAIR TAX supporter - Will Breazeale - who is running for Congress. Help him and the other FAIR TAX supporters build the momentum needed to dump the income tax and all that goes with it.

See that SlateCard widgit over there? Click on it, get out your credit card and send him $10.40 (or more) in honor of scrapping the income tax. You can then select the FAIR TAX Badge to show him you support him because of the FAIR TAX.

Send this message or a link to it to every one you know that hates the income tax (I know that is repetitive - cause every one I know hates the income tax - so just send it to everyone).

You can read more about Will at

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More veterans running for Congress

Cross Posted from SteveMaloneyGOP

Bulletin: If you want to support our troops -- and all of you do -- please be aware of the veterans who are running for Congress, including William T. Russell, Eric Egland, and Duncan Duane Hunter (the presidential candidate's son). Please be good enough to go to their web sites and offer them any assistance you can.

It's clearly time to send people to Congress who actually have first-hand knowledge of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Russell, Egland, and Hunter do.

Air Force veteran and former Rhodes Scholar Heather A. Wilson of New Mexico is running for the U.S. Senate seat in New Mexico. She's the only female veteran ever elected to Congress. Heather is a staunch supporter of the military and an expert on foreign affairs, especially in the Middle East. She's exactly the kind of person we need to improve the quality of government in DC. You can find her site at:

A Vets4Russell web site will be appearing soon, and I urge everyone to visit it. Veterans are a critical constituency for Murtha opponent William T. Russell. There are approximately 50,000 veterans in Russell's 12th Congressional District of PA. We won't get all of them, but we will get the vast majority of them. The damage Murtha has done with his irresponsible comments about Haditha is incalculable.

I'll be one of the contributors to the site.

I also urge everyone to visit the Web site of the only female veteran ever elected to Congress -- Air Force Academcy graduate and Rhodes Scholar Heather Wilson. She's running for the New Mexico Senate seat to replace Sen. Pete Domenici. You can find her at:

The absolute best way we can "support our troops" is to elect quality people like William Russell and Heather Wilson. Contributing to these fine people is the best step we can take to improve the quality of our government. Please do so today!
steve maloney

The absolutely critical challenge in the Russell Campaign are how to "detach" conservative Democrats from the Murtha column. In the 12th District, there are twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans.

However, many of those Democrats -- up to 45% -- have shown themselves willing to vote for Republican candidates. In 2004, President Bush -- not the most popular figure in PA -- got 49% of the vote against John Kerry. In fact, Bush won Murtha's home county (Cambria).

Murtha's recent statement that "The Surge is working" reflects the fact that he's feeling the "heat" from the Russell Campaign. Many veterans in the district look at Murtha's disgraceful statements about the Haditha Marines and wonder, "Gee, what's wrong with good ole John?"

The Russell Campaign needs to convince such people that Murtha has "lost it," that he's more concerned with preserving his own political power than protecting the troops. Many Democrats are beginning to recongize that but they're not quite willing -- yet -- to vote against Murtha.

Of course, Murtha gets conservative votes because many people in the District believe "He brings home the bacon!" As I've pointed out previously -- using Bureau of Labor Statistics data -- Murtha DOES NOT bring home the bacon.

Yes, he does use taxpayer dollars to bring some "captive jobs" to the Johnstown area. However, most of the District remains economically depressed. The median household income in the 12th is one of the lowest in the state -- about the same as inner-city districts in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Do conservative Democrats in the 12th know these things? A growing number do, but a majority still believes that Murtha has done great things for the District.

Murtha's focus in the 21st century has been to raise huge amounts of cash for his campaigns. Until the year 2000 -- and you can find this in OpenSecrets -- his campaign funds were about average, even though he rarely even had any opposition. He's had strong opposition only once in this century, but every two years he raises Brobdinagian funds that are double the congressional average.

In other words, if you want tens of millions in federal handouts ("earmarks") from John Murtha, you'd better be prepared to pony up with huge "donations." Apparentely, the funds get distributed back to various supporters, including his former aide Paul Magliochetti (of the PMA lobbying Group). Magliochetti makes millions from Murtha's actions -- and returns hundreds of thousands in campaign gifts.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has received tens of millions in federal dollars via Murtha. UPMC, also the former employer of Rep. Jason Altmire, is known for wildly overcharging patients and their insurers. This supposed "non-profit" generated a surplus (i.e., profit) of $460 million in the first nine months of 2007. UPMC has given more than $300,000 to Murtha in this century -- including $100,000 in 2007.

Are most conservative Democrats aware of the strange goings-on with campaign funds? Apparently, very few of them are. The notion that Murtha is "a good guy" is one of the abiding myths in the 12th District. But grown-ups eventually stop believing in myths.

There are real opportunities here for the Russell Campaign. Murtha's past electoral successes are based on illusions about who he is and what he does.

Posted by Stephen R. Maloney at 7:56 PM 1 comments

Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter 12-10-'07

Hello all,

One day closer to the birthday of Jesus! I have never been a fan of Jesse Jackson, but I do believe in one thing he says: "Keep hope alive!" Christmas reminds me of the hope that Jesus gave us with his sacrifice and his grace for us. We have so much to be thankful for and to "hope" for in this country.

As you read this, I am campaigning hard in Sampson County and The Sampson Independent Newspaper is interviewing me. Sampson County is the only county that McIntyre lost in his re-election effort in 2006. Sampson County is solid Republican proven by the fact that they have a Republican Sheriff who I will be meeting with soon to ensure we win Sampson County in Nov 2008. This past Saturday, I attended a fundraiser for Hospice in Columbus County that was heavily attended by local physicians. I am thankful for the support from many of the dedicated physicians who deliver the excellent Health Care to the citizens of District 7.

The more I talk to people on the campaign trail, the more I realize that illegal immigration is our District's largest and most passionate issue. It really upsets me that the Mexican Government is critical of our efforts to deport illegal immigrants. I have a proposal....let's withhold Mexico's aid package from our government until they seriously help us end illegal immigration.

I was in San Diego, California this past week on a layover with my airline. I was eating at Little Italy and got into a conversation with a group of people concerning illegal immigration. EVERYONE in this liberal city seemed to be in favor of letting illegal immigrants stay. No wonder Californians like them elect Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

Let's keep in mind that a large amount of illegal drugs like cocaine are shipped into the U.S. through Mexico. In 2000 242 tons of cocaine were shipped into the U.S. In 2005, the total increased to 397 tons! The border HAS to be secured, even if we have to triple the Border Patrol to make it happen!

How can you help us? Call my scheduler, Ashley Stanton at 910-409-7023 and invite me to speak to a group you are a member of. We have to get our message out to be successful. We will win on the issues but those issues have to be heard. Your financial support will help us get the message out as well, you can mail a check or use your credit card to donate to our campaign at

Thanks and God Bless


PS – Have a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekly Newsletter 12-03

The fight for the high ground continues on the campaign trail! This week has been busy. I had a wonderful time having a town hall meeting with students from Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC. Another great thing is that at least half of the students I spoke to will be 18 (voting age) by Nov 2008 and they are overwhelmingly Republican! I would like to thank Mr. Nate Gergel, the government teacher at Waccamaw Academy for the invitation to speak and for his challenging instruction to his students. (My 15 year old daughter Darienne is one of them!)

I also ran a 6.2 mile race with Special Operations soldiers from Fort Bragg. Fort Bragg is hilly and windy which makes for a very challenging run. It brought back visions of when I was a ROTC cadet in 1989 at Fort Bragg when I was being tested by Army officers to make sure I had what it takes to be an Army Officer myself. I issued a challenge to the soldiers to run faster than me in the race. 109 of them did as it took me 48 minutes to cover the 6.2 miles. I drew the name of SSG George Traver of 7th Special Forces Group as the winner of a sightseeing flight over Fayetteville piloted by me for SSG Traver and his family at a date of his choosing. Congrats Sergeant!

Saturday, my aggressive campaign staff and I descended on Bladenboro, NC in Bladen County and St. Pauls, NC in Robeson County to participate in their Christmas parades. Our Democrat competition, Mike McIntyre, decided to sleep in instead of participating in the parades. He must be scared that I would debate his pro-illegal immigration stance with him in public. I also had a great visit with First Baptist Church of Dublin, NC this past Sunday as we worshipped our loving God together.

I want to announce another great addition to our campaign staff in the Campaign Photographer position: Nick Gore. Nick is a 16 year old Senior at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC and is a wonderfully talented photographer and campaigner. He is very informed on the issues and is a very conservative Republican. He will attend most parades and events to provide pictures for our press releases and website.

I heard from Kim Cotten, President of the Young Republicans of N.C. this week. She was happy to inform me that her organization has adopted our campaign as one of their focus races in the state because of our great prospect for success and our unlimited energy!

Finally, I am excited to announce that our Campaign Manager, Rob Boyce, personally talked to a Top Tier GOP Presidential Candidate about helping our campaign while he was in New Hampshire last week. We are working with the candidate’s staff to put together an event near the South Carolina border with our stay tuned!

Have a great week and enjoy your Christmas shopping!

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Will runs in Charity 10K - Jingle bell Jog

Ft. Bragg, NC –Will Breazeale, Congressional Candidate and Major in the Army Reserve participated in the Jingle Bell Jog 10k run at Ft. Bragg Friday Nov. 30th .

Air Tran Airways pilot Will Breazeale, helping to promote the 29th annual Jingle Bell Jog 10k run to benefit the 7th Group Association, is providing a sight seeing flight to one lucky participant. The names of runners placing ahead of him were placed in a drawing for the flight with Will at the controls of a twin engine private aircraft. United States Army Staff Sergeant George Traver, of Headquaters Service Company, 2/7 Special Forces Group was the lucky winner.

The event raises money to assist needy soldiers of 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) based at Ft. Bragg. Over 1,000 are expected to participate – serious runners as well as "fun walkers". The event is open to everyone. It begins and ends at the John F. Kennedy Plaza on Ardennes Street.


Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Breazeale visits Waccamaw Academy

Whiteville, NC – Three American Government classes at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville were visited by Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale on Thursday November 29th. They learned from him his election issues and discuss those and other topics. The students are planning a trip to Washington DC early next year and will use what they learn to enhance their learning experiences on the trip.

Breazeale is a three tour Veteran of the Iraq Wars and a Major in the Army Reserve. The third tour ended this past June. He expects some of the discussion will involve those related topics.

Among the students was Breazeale’s daughter, who is a student at Waccamaw Academy. The students will be invited to visit Breazeale’s Campaign web site at where they can find additional information about his background, public statements and issues positions.

SSG Traver wins scenic flight from Will

United States Army Staff Sergeant George Traver, of Headquaters Service Company, 2/7 Special Forces Group, is congratulated on winning a sightseeing flight piloted and donated by Will Breazeale, the Republican Candidate for Congress from District 7. Breazeale is also a Major in the Army Reserve. Breazeale challenged all participants to "beat the candidate" by running faster than him in a 6.2 mile race called the Jingle Bell Jog held at Fort Bragg, NC on 30 November 2007. SSG Traver is happy to have won the prize for he, his wife and children.

Breazeale applauds agreement on Iraq War end

Fayetteville, NC – The Iraqi Government and the US are working toward an agreement by the end of next year that will result in a permanent US military presence of approximately 50,000 troops. This presence is intended to provide security and stability for Iraq and the region.

In a press briefing Monday at the White House, Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute described the agreement between President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki which lays out a framework to the two countries arriving at an agreement like the “long-term bilateral [agreement] with Korea. There are about a hundred countries around the world with which we have bilateral defense or security cooperation agreements. You should think about the one that's emerging here with Iraq as one in that same sort of setting.”

According to Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale (NC-7), a Major in the Army Reserve who recently returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq, this agreement parallels his stated position calling for such a troop reduction and a permanent presence.

“The Iraqi security forces have the ability in many parts of their country to accept responsibility for their own protection,” said Breazeale, “The Iraqi soldiers I trained in northern Iraq this past year have what they need, we need to give then the ‘keys’ and let them drive! They need a push out of the nest – so to speak”

Breazeale also pointed out that the time may have come to reduce our presence in other places, like Korea – troops deployed to previously war torn areas – that no longer need our stabilizing presence and transfer those troops to the new and similar situation in Iraq.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Will opposes NCCC mandate to accept illegal aliens

Whiteville, NC – Responding to the news that North Carolina’s Community Colleges must now accept illegal alien students, Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale has a somewhat different take than some others quoted in the media. While he agrees with others who have decried the situation and say that if the policy stands they will support legislation to reverse the policy, Breazeale sees it as yet another symptom of the Democrat controlled Congress failing to address the overall problem of illegal immigration.

“If we think of this in terms of my airline, we have planes full of paying passengers – the citizens and legal residents – that are being weighed down by stowaways hiding in the baggage area or impersonating paying passengers – the illegals,” said airline pilot Breazeale, “The planes can still fly for a while but the airline – our society – has to pay more for fuel and maintenance on the overloaded planes and eventually the airline would have to buy more and bigger airplanes in order to keep the paying passengers in the air. Of course the price of those tickets – taxes - will have to rise and the level of service for those paying passengers will decrease as more is demanded by the stowaways.”

The blame for the community college situation lies with current members of Congress who have failed to fully address the illegal immigration problem. The solution will be new members of Congress, like him, who will bring a new determination to solve such problems according to Breazeale, a solution that will include closing the border, increasing security of our social security system, denial of public benefits including attendance of public schools and stopping all federal funds flowing to “sanctuary” cities.

Breazeale is seeking the NC-7th District seat currently held by Democrat Rep. Mike McIntyre. The district covers all or part of ten counties in southeastern North Carolina – from Fayetteville to Wilmington.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving week Newsletter

Hello all!
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. I also hope you gave God thanks for everything he has blessed us with. The reason we are having such an immigration problem is this country is such a great place to live! The reason other countries hate us is they are jealous of the country we have built. Americans continue to be the most productive workers in the world! The USA is 60% of the world's economy and only 5% of the population.

Our scheduler, Ashley, has been in overdrive scheduling appearances for me! I will be speaking to government classes at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville this Thursday followed by campaigning in downtown Whiteville. I then travel to Lumberton to give my comrades at the American Legion a speech about Iraq. This Friday morning at 9am, I will be at the Jingle Bell jog running race at Fort Bragg. I am running the 10K ( 6.2 mile) event with a BREAZEALE FOR CONGRESS shirt on. Any runner that runs faster than me will be eligible for a chance to fly on my campaign aircraft with me on 15 April 08 for a special event! I will then participate in the Bladenboro and St Pauls Christmas parades this Saturday in the campaign convertible Mustang GT! If you would like to volunteer to drive me in parades, please email me on and I will call you. If you live in New Hanover County, I would like to invite you to an event to honor Mr Franklin Williams at 11 am on 3 Dec for an awards ceremony honoring his lifetime achievement to our Republican Party and to this country. Check our website for the place and other updates.

Speaking of the 15 April 2008 event, my staff has finalized plans for our next air mission! We will launch our campaign aircraft for an announcement tour of the district on 15 April (TAX DAY) to announce our Fair Tax proposal to get rid of the income tax!!! Everywhere I go in the district, people are excited about the Fair Tax! Go to to learn more! We have one seat left on the aircraft so email me if you would like to see all 10 counties in our district in one day!

Until next week.....God Bless


P.S. Be sure to keep our campaign on your Christmas lists for a contribution. Santa says we have been nice!

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wounded Warriors should not have to repay bonuses

Fayetteville, NC – When a soldier voluntarily re-enlists in the military and receives a bonus for doing so, the government demands it be repaid if that warrior is wounded in battle and unable to remain in the service. This is the current policy and not everyone agrees it is the right policy. Fox News is reporting that Jordan Fox – a soldier injured and partially blinded by a road side bomb in Iraq. Not only is he disabled and not able to pursue his intended career as a police officer when he finished his enlistment, but because he was injured and left the service three months short of his commitment, the government wants him to repay three thousand dollars of his signing bonus.
Congressional Candidate, Army Reserve Major and Iraq Veteran Will Breazeale joins NC Rep. Walter Jones and others in calling for an end to the practice. That policy, which also calls for repayment of such bonuses if the service member leaves the service for other reasons prior to the fulfillment of the enlistment term, has no exemption for members unable to continue due to injuries in the line of duty.
"This should change." Breazeale said “Say a young soldier re-enlisted, got married and used the bonus to qualify to buy a home for their future family. Then he deploys, is seriously wounded and discharged. Is it then fair for the government to say they are taking back the bonus? I don't think so! These warriors have fulfilled their commitment!”
Breazeale is running for the NC 7th district which extends from the Amy's Fort Bragg to the Marine Corps Camp LeJeune in southeastern North Carolina. Rep. Jones, whose district includes LeJeune to USMC's Cherry Point, is co-sponsoring HR 3793, also called the Veterans Guaranteed Bonus Act, to make this change.
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Major’s Campaign Recruits a General

Southport, NC – Will Breazeale, Candidate for Congress and a Major in the Army Reserve has recruited Retired General Joseph Kinzer to his campaign.

While attending the annual Veteran’s Day event at the Golden Corral restaurant in Southport, Breazeale met Kinzer along with the many other Veterans taking the opportunity to have dinner on the restaurant chain while raising money for the Disabled Veterans. After talking at length the General volunteered to help the Breazeale for Congress campaign.

Asked what convinced him to sign on, Kinzer said “Breazeale has the right values and the right priorities, he will represent the citizens and veterans in the district well.” He went on to say “Will knows first hand what Veterans really need.”
Breazeale is one of the very few Iraq War Veterans seeking seats in Congress .His success will increase the mere 22% of the members of Congress who have served in the military, historically one of the lowest percentages of former military members in Congress.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, November 12, 2007

Will's Newsletter 11-11-07

I want to thank my fellow Veterans for their service on this Veteran's Day. Let's all pray that there will continue to be citizens who answer our nation's call in the future. Having served our country as an Army Reserve Officer for the past 17 years, in 3 wars (Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom) I have seen first hand the drive, determination and commitment of our servicemen and women, which always increases my confidence that our country will continue to have a bright future.In campaign news, our treasurer, Ken Pervine of Elizabethtown, just returned from a Federal Election Commission workshop held in St. Louis, Missouri. He had a great time networking with other campaigns from all over the country as well as learning how to keep our campaign operating legally and effectively. Everyone on my staff knows the importance of using every donated dollar legally and efficiently so this campaign can be successful. We also have added Mrs. Lexi Patton to our staff this past week in New Hanover County. Lexi is an incredibly bright lady who comes to our campaign very optimistic about our success, having worked in DC as a Republican Senatorial staffer and on campaigns. She graduated from George Washington University with a degree in Political Science, is married to a Marine Officer and is one of the few people who scored a 1600 on the SAT Test! Now that my staff is complete on the District level; we are organizing on the county level. (There are 10 counties in the District) Our goal is to have a county manager for each county by 1 Jan 2008. Please email me at if you want to be considered for any position in our campaign structure. This is going to be a great campaign so be a part of it!We have an exciting event with members of the Lumbee Tribe in Robeson County this Tuesday. They are holding a reception in Pembroke, NC in order for me to meet with Lumbee members. These members are already excited about supporting Sen. Dole and would like to get to know me and hopefully will make it a clean Republican sweep come election day among tribal members!I was also encouraged with General Motors' decision to road test 100 hydrogen vehicles this week across the USA. I am very much in favor of hydrogen powered vehicles. These vehicles produce no pollutants and go twice as far as gasoline powered vehicles on the same energy. Technology is still being developed to produce hydrogen using renewable methods which would make this fuel even better! It is up to the U.S. Government to make alternative fuels a reality through incentives to citizens and businesses. We have to make this happen so we can tell foreign oil to get lost!I am upset, however, to read about the Democrat Congress' lack of ability to ship Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to Iraq in a timely manner because of a backlog in installing radio jammers in Charleston, SC. This Congress has an oversight responsibility of our government. The finger pointing has to stop and the action has to start! Our troops need those vehicles to survive in combat. Excuses and bureaucracy will not do the job....action and teamwork will!Please keep the contributions coming! Take care


Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blue Dog Dilemma



November 9, 2007 I Permalink

Blue Dog Democrats face a difficult choice today: oppose a 130 percent tax hike on entrepreneurs and risk-takers who invest and create family-wage jobs or line up behind their party leadership's ever-expanding tax-and-spend agenda . Blue Dog Congressman Jim Cooper (D-TN) highlighted the dilemma faced by his colleagues earlier this week in CongressDaily AM:

"Why should House members have to walk the plank?" asked Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn. "This is a 130-percent tax increase ."

In The Hill today, Rep. Cooper's Blue Dog colleague Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-FL) further underscored the unenviable spot many Democrats find themselves in this morning:

"There are a lot of undecideds out there, and a lot of them are Blue Dogs," said Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.), a freshman member of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition who said he would vote no on the legislation. "I'm not sure they have the votes."

Just why are Reps. Mahoney, Cooper, and dozens of their Blue Dog colleagues so nervous this morning? The Hill offers an answer:

"Several senators have signaled their opposition to the tax change, fueling concern that vulnerable House Democrats could be forced to take a tough vote on a doomed measure."

So why is the Majority leadership in the House so intent on forcing their Members into such a difficult position? That's not hard to figure out at all. The $81 billion tax hike under consideration today is a mere down payment on what Ways & Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) really have in store for the American people: the Mother of All Tax Hikes. This breathtaking $3.5 trillion tax hike on – literally – every American taxpayer will be like manna from heaven for pork-barrel politicians in Congress. America's middle-class families and small businesses beware: you're going to pay the highest price of all.

According to a nonpartisan report released yesterday by the Joint Committee on Taxation, by 2011, 94 million families earning between $20,000 and $200,000 will see a tax hike under the Pelosi-Rangel Mother of All Tax Hikes, while only 800,000 families will see a tax reduction. That's in direct contrast to claims by the bill's supporters that the tax plan will reduce taxes for middle-income families and raise them only on the so-called "rich." Overall, a staggering 90 percent of American taxpayers will see a tax increase under the Pelosi-Rangel plan.

That's right: At a time when American families are feeling the crunch of spiking energy and health care costs, runaway college tuition, and steadily rising prices for consumer goods, Congress is preparing to confiscate even more of their paychecks to help pay for their pork-filled agenda. And it starts today, with the $81 billion down payment that has led to so many sleepless night for so many Blue Dog Democrats.

House Republicans stand ready to immediately implement a clean alternative minimum tax (AMT) patch that will protect 23 million Americans from paying an onerous tax they were never meant to pay in the first place. Moreover, Republicans want to permanently repeal the AMT in the long-term, make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, and make the tax code fairer for working families and small businesses.

Will Blue Dog Democrats join them? Or will they support a 130 percent tax increase today – and a $3.5 trillion hike down the road – solely to satisfy their leadership's addiction to pork?

· Fed Chair: Massive Tax Hike on American Families Would be "A Drag on the Economy" (11/8/07)
· Republicans Highlight Nonpartisan Report Showing "Mother of All Tax Hikes" Raises Taxes on Middle-Class Families (11/8/07)
· Majority's "AMT Patch" is an $81 Billion Down Payment on the Mother of All Tax Hikes (11/6/07)
· Boehner Statement on the Majority's Decision to Delay 'AMT Patch' Until After Thanksgiving (11/6/07)
· Speaker Pelosi, Key Democratic Leaders Embrace the "Mother of All Tax Hikes" (10/29/07)
· Fox News Reports on Democrats' Job-Killing "Mother of All Tax Hikes" (10/26/07)
· GOP Leaders Voice Opposition to Job-Killing $1 Trillion Plus Tax Hike Proposed by House Democrats (10/25/07)
· Boehner: Democrats' "Mother of All Tax Hikes" Will be a Job-Killer (10/25/07)
· As the Majority Stalls on an AMT Fix, 21 Million American Taxpayers Placed at Risk (10/24/07)
· One Hundred Billion in New Taxes Down, One Trillion to Go (10/24/07)
· Boehner Calls on Majority to Protect Taxpayers from the Alternative Minimum Tax (10/23/07)

Republican Leader Press Office
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
H-204, The Capitol
(202) 225-4000

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thank You Veterans

Then NRSC has a special thank you video for the Veterans in honor of Veterans day. There is also a link to America Supports You where you can send a message of thanks to those who are serving.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Breazeale weekly newsletter

Breazeale 08 Weekly Newsletter

Hello all:

This week has been the best week so far in the campaign!!!! I AM EVEN MORE EXCITED and MOTIVATED THAN USUAL! I had an important meeting with very influential members of the Lumbee Tribe last Thursday in Lumberton, NC. The Lumbee Tribe is the largest American Indian Tribe east of the Mississippi with 50,000 members in Robeson, Scotland and Cumberland Counties in NC. The Lumbee Tribe has traditionally voted straight Democrat for McIntyre, my competition, but as a result of this important meeting, these Lumbee Leaders have decided to support our campaign to be the next Congressman from District 7 of NC!

I want to announce a few things to you:

1. I want to invite you to the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting of our first Campaign Office opening. Our Pembroke, NC office will open the 13th of Nov at 7pm with a cookout and fundraising reception located at 2539 Saint Anna Road, Pembroke, NC. The reception will be hosted by Ronald Brooks, a Lumbee Tribe member. (you can call Ronald Brooks at 910-374-0540 for more information) I will be there to say a few words, but more importantly, I will be there to meet you and listen to you.
2. We have heard rumors that McIntyre may have a challenger in his Democratic Primary. This will be a great thing for our campaign in many ways, so stayed tuned.
3. I taped a TV interview with Curtis Wright on WWAY TV3 in Wilmington that will air 11 Nov at 11 am on WWAY, the Wilmington ABC Affiliate. Be sure to watch!!
4. Our average hits on our campaign website ( have now reached to over 100 hits a day! Andy Liles, our director of communications, is doing an excellent job with our website!
5. The 12th of November is an important day: All Golden Corral Restaurants nationwide are hosting a free dinner to our veterans from 5-8pm. I ask you to "adopt a restaurant" where you live and pass out information on our campaign. You can simply go to our website and print off the "Meet Will" section and pass it out to veterans while standing in line or contact the campaign with other ideas or suggestions. There will be a huge crowd...believe me! We will have representatives at Clinton, Wilmington and Fayettevillle Golden Corral Restaurants......we need you to help as well!

I had 2 days of Army Reserve duty this past Friday and Saturday at Fort Jackson, SC concerning basic training support by my unit to the full-time Army. President Bush gave the graduation speech to over 1,500 of the Army's newest soldiers this past Friday during Basic Training Graduation at Fort Jackson as well. In light of all this, I had an opportunity to sit down and discuss ideas with one of the top commanders of Fort Jackson concerning today's military.

Did you know that it costs an average of $112,000 to recruit and train a soldier today? That only 4 out of every 10 young people that take the Armed Services Qualification exam even pass it with a minimal score? That only 3 out of every 10 young people that enter the Army do so without a waiver of some sort? Most of this seems bad, but there is a silver's Army is giving young people previously thought of as "unemployable" a second chance for a productive life and many are rising to the occasion. On the other hand, more young people need to see the Army as a place for advancement and opportunity. I am asking questions to the right people and formulating exciting plans to reinvigorate our nation's military. Announcements will be forthcoming in the Spring of 2008.

As always, thanks for your prayers and support,


Sign up against earmarks

Go to Sen Demint's web site to sign the petition against earmarks.

H/T RobBoyce

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Breazeale agrees with President – a Do Nothing Congress

Fayetteville, NC – Congressional candidate Will Breazeale of White Lake, NC agrees with President Bush's criticism of the Democrat controlled Congress for doing very little and that most of what they have done involved increases in taxes.

The President said Congress hasn't "seen a bill they could not solve without shoving a tax hike into it." Bush also criticized the Congress for having passed no appropriations bills even thought the new fiscal year began on October 1 st, "The leadership that's on the hill now can't get that done," he said.

Breazeale points out that the "dysfunctional Congress has no discipline, they cannot follow their own rules and they have no fiscal restraint. How can they force the government to proceed well into the new fiscal year without a spending plan? They have wasted this whole session, there needs to be a House cleaning in Congress."
As a Major in the Army Reserve and as an airline pilot, Breazeale says he truly understands "discipline, following the rules and working to a schedule!"

Another obscure bureaucrat tries to ban God

Fayetteville, NC – Three time Iraq War Veteran, Army Reserve Major and Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale decries yet another attempt by a federal bureaucrat to ban God, this time from military funeral ceremonies. “Based on only one complaint, the recitation of a script which mentions God, is now banned at Military funerals,” Breazeale said. “The reading of the script has always been optional, left to the bereaved family.” This follows the recent decision by the Architect of the US Capitol to delete the mention of God in letters accompanying flags flown over the capitol building, also a voluntary mention, requested by the person ordering the flag.

The Constitutional separation of Church and State should never be used to restrict voluntary mention of God in ceremonial occasions in Breazeale’s view. “Certainly at a funeral honoring a veteran, the family not some bureaucrat in Washington, DC should decide whether they want God to be mentioned,” he said.

The reading of a script during flag folding ceremonies at funerals and other times is not required but has become a tradition. While many of the scripts mention God in several passages, not all do so. The location and purpose of the ceremony, as well as the wishes of the family in cases of funerals, determine which script – if any – are read.
“The Capitol Architect was over ruled by action of the Congress, only after the issue became news. Will Congress take action to rectify this latest bureaucratic attempt to remove God from the lives of citizens,” according to Breazeale, “This is just another indication of what is wrong in DC, that the bureaucracy there is out of control and needs to be reigned in.”

Monday, October 29, 2007

TIME TO CONTRIBUTE! Just to match what McIntyre has in the bank WE WILL HAVE TO RAISE an average of $3000 a day from now until the election! I need your help to get there! Your check today will help establish the base, build the momentum. When you convince a friend, a relative or neighbor to give you multiply what you gave. Please go to our on line donation page at our web site - - or write another check and send it to Breazeale for Congress, PO Box 717, Elizabethtown, NC 28337 or host a fundraising reception for the campaign!

Our District is one of just 48 in the country currently held by Democrat Members of Congress where President Bush easily won in 2000 and 2004. The National Republican Party knows that the statistics of this district support a Republican victory. The Democrat led Congress is ineffective and is constantly trying to raise your taxes. We need to win this District and 14 others nationally. Then the House of Representatives will be back in Republican hands!

My refresher training with Airtran Airways on the Boeing 737 is complete! This means that I am back on the campaign trail in NC's District 7! Ashley, our campaign scheduler, is working with WWAY TV in Wilmington for me to appear live on their morning news program. There is a chance I will be on this Tuesday morning, 30 Oct, so please check our website for updates. I am honored to be the keynote speaker at 11am on 7 Nov at the National Guard Armory in Elizabethtown, NC for their Veterans Day service. Come honor the Veterans and you can listen to my speech.

This week a key leader in the Lumbee Tribe based in Robeson County called me, happy that I am challenging McIntyre. The Lumbee Indians are traditionally a key McIntyre base of voters numbering 50,000 people. The Lumbees are a very patriotic tribe with many Veterans. They are taking notice of our campaign and qualifications I have, that McIntyre will never possess, concerning national defense. The Lumbees also realize that it was due to a Republican, Sen. Elizabeth Dole, that their national tribal recognition was advanced. With the support of Veterans, Republicans, Religious will be GAME OVER for McIntyre's re-election hopes when the Lumbee Tribe gives me their support. I will be working hard on meeting with and convincing tribal leaders in the future.

"Let's bite off more than we can chew...and CHEW IT!" We can win this! Until next week....take care!


PS – a group of Republicans have created a fun way to donate to Republican candidates (including me) at Not only can you easily donate on line but you can send a message about what issues are most important and you can create your own slate of Republicans you support and share that slate with others.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Breazeale calls for continued payments to wounded warriors

Fayetteville, NC – When a soldier voluntarily re-enlists in the military and receives a bonus for doing so, the government might demand it be repaid if that warrior is wounded in battle and unable to remain in the service. This is the current policy and not everyone agrees it is the right policy.

Congressional Candidate and Iraq Veteran joins NC Rep. Walter Jones and others in calling for an end to the practice. That policy, which also calls for repayment of such bonuses if the service member leaves the service for other reasons prior to the fulfillment of the enlistment term, has no exemption for members unable to continue due to injuries in the line of duty, Breazeale says this should change.

“Say a young soldier re-enlisted, got married and used the bonus to qualify to buy a home for their future family. Then he deploys, is seriously wounded and discharged. Is it then fair for the government to say they are taking back the bonus? I don’t think so!”

Rep. Jones is co-sponsoring HR 3793, also called the Veterans Guaranteed Bonus Act, to make this change.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Breazeale applauds Michael Yon

Independent Iraq War correspondent Michael Yon applauded by Iraq War veteran and Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale

White Lake, NC – Independent Iraq War correspondent Michael Yon, who embeds with various US Army and Marine units in Iraq and is funded by donations from readers of his web site, was applauded by Iraq War veteran and Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale. Calling Yon’s reports “a breath of fresh air” Breazeale commended his efforts while criticizing the main stream media’s reports.

From Michael’s web site: “Telling soldiers' stories from the frontlines is dangerous work that few do as well as Michael Yon. Risking combat injury, intense heat, sand and dust storms, and jarring explosions: the cost is crushing. Most major news organizations can't afford to keep a footprint here, yet Michael Yon does it without corporate sponsors or advertisers. He receives no funding or financial support from Fox News, or any movie, book or television deal. He is entirely reader supported.”

Yon’s latest report comes after a return trip to the US that coincided with General Petraeus’ testimony before the US Congress. “I was at home in the United States just one day before the magnitude hit me like vertigo:” Yon wrote “America seems to be under a glass dome which allows few hard facts from the field to filter in unless they are attached to a string of false assumptions.”

Breazeale echoed these observations calling the news coming from Iraq “distorted, at best, out right fabrication at worst” referring to the fabricated stories published in The New Republic called “Shock Troops” where a soldier, for his own purposes made up stories of atrocities involving himself and other US troops.

“There is real progress being made in Iraq, the US troops are performing professionally and intelligently as they train the Iraqis to take over their own security” said Breazeale who himself returned from his third tour in Iraq this past June. “Much of the area I was in, north of Baghdad, is pacified enough and the locals trained well enough that the Allied troops could start withdrawing from that area and most areas of Iraq where Iraqi Army Divisions have achieved the required strength to defeat the insurgents.”

Citing the recent report by retired Lt. Gen. Sanchez -who reported “As I assess various media entities, some are unquestionably engaged in political propaganda that is uncontrolled,” - Breazeale agrees with Yon saying “the real story in Iraq, the victories being won, the progress being made there, is not being reported to the people in the US and around the world by the media.” He continued “that is why independent reports like those from Michael Yon are so important.”
Will Breazeale is seeking the NC 7th district seat in Congress which represents southeastern North Carolina from Ft. Bragg in Fayetteville to the outskirts of Camp LeJeune near Wilmington.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Did Pelosi threaten McIntyre on SCHIP?

Cross posted from RobBoyce
The Wilmington Star News had an editorial Wednesday Applauding Rep. Mike McIntyre for flip flopping on the SCHIP bill. This is not at all surprising, since the paper is owned by the NY Times.

They do slip into an interesting point when they ask:

It's interesting to wonder what the Democratic leadership might have offered or threatened to get McIntyre to reverse himself. No doubt other Democrats are feeling similar pressure to vote the party line.

What could they promise? Campaign money? He has a million in the bank. Committee Chairmanship - he has one. What indeed could they promise him?

Now threats? - They could certainly threaten him, losing the committee chairmanship, losing other majority party perks? Or could it be what he probably really fears - an opponent in the Primary election?

Read more here and here and here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More on McIntyre flip flop


RALEIGH—Congressman Mike McIntyre signaled that he is going to flip-flop and vote FOR the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) after having voted AGAINST the EXACT same legislation two weeks ago. North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Linda Daves asked why McIntyre had completely reversed his position on protecting the state’s tobacco industry from new taxes and the American people from providing new benefits to illegal immigrants.

“After telling the people of North Carolina that he couldn’t support a dramatic tax on the state’s tobacco industry and after consistently voting to keep that promise -- Mike McIntyre has decided to vote for the exact same bill he voted against a few days ago,” said Daves. “The same exact bill that contained a tax that he called ‘unfair’ and the same exact bill that would relax eligibility standards for illegal immigrants. “

“All I want to know is what changed? Why was it unfair to pick on tobacco and give new taxpayer health benefits to illegal immigrants two weeks ago, and not now?”

On August 1, 2007, McIntyre voted NO to the SCHIP bill

On September 25, 2007, McIntyre voted NO to the SCHIP bill

Following the September vote, McIntyre defended his vote saying it was an “unfair tax, picking on one crop,” and also saying that it was “not fair to the American people” because “illegal immigrants could qualify under the bill's relaxed eligibility standards.”

“Tobacco is a convenient target,” McIntyre said last week. “Unfortunately, here in Washington , it’s a favorite whipping boy.”

McIntyre, chairman of the Subcommittee on Specialty Crops, Rural Development and Foreign Agriculture, said he didn’t mind breaking ranks with the Democratic leadership on the tobacco issue.

“This was an unfair tax, picking on one crop,” he said. (“Tobacco supporters oppose health bill” Fayetteville Observer, October 1, 2007)

A spokeswoman for Etheridge said the Congressman objects to paying for the expansion with a 61-cent increase in the tax on a pack of cigarettes, which he says would place a hardship on tobacco growers and their families. She said Etheridge does not support the bill as written and will not vote for an override.

McIntyre said he has the same concerns, and is also worried that illegal immigrants could qualify under the bill's relaxed eligibility standards. "That's not fair to the American people," he said. (“Bush veto threatens insurance for kids” News & Observer, October 4, 2007)

According to today’s Wilmington Star, “In an about-face, U.S. Rep. Mike McIntyre said Monday that he will vote later this week to override the president's veto of a $35 billion expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program.” (“McIntyre reverses insurance position” Wilmington Star, October 16, 2007)

Said Daves, “Upholding this veto would force the Democrats in Congress to compromise with the President and hopefully, we could get a strong SCHIP bill that doesn’t attack North Carolina ’s economy. Why not support that approach?”

McIntyre flip flops

Wilmington, NC – Rep. Mike McIntyre has indicated he will now vote to over ride a Presidential veto on a bill he originally voted against. President Bush vetoed the bill expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) for being to expansive and expensive. McIntyre had said he voted against the bill over the funding mechanism, an increase in the tax on tobacco and because it opens up the program to illegal aliens.

McIntyre now says he will vote to over ride that veto. Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said over the weekend "We'll try very hard to override it. But one thing's for sure: We won't rest..."

Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale today criticizes Rep. Mike McIntyre for “flip-flopping” on the SCHIP expansion bill. “It certainly seems like Pelosi is pulling Mike’s strings and making him dance to her tune” said Breazeale. “He said that it was wrong to target tobacco to pay for the program and also was concerned about it covering illegal immigrants, but it seems toeing the Democrat Party line was more important to him in the end.” Breazeale also noted that a donation was made through his web site today from a Wilmington voter with the comment the donor was “about McIntyre flip-flopping on the SCHIP issue!”

The Republicans opposing the expansion have noted that the pressure to enact the bill coincides with Democrat Presidential candidates clamoring to endorse socialized heath care for all. This view was reinforced when Rep. Rangel, Chairman of the Ways and Means committee, said “It hardly matters that the expansion would be expensive or a step toward socialized health care.” This bill would cost taxpayers $35 billion but the Democrat’s original bill would have totaled $50 billion.

The Democrats need to “flip” 24 members who voted against the bill in order to over ride the President’s veto. This pressure had been predicted in an October 3rd story in the Washington Post. That article predicted “the real pressure will likely fall on the eight Democrats who voted against the program,” including McIntyre.

McIntyre has been pressured also by the left wing organizations such and and Daily Kos which said of McIntyre and other Democrats who voted against the bill – there will “be plenty of eyeballs on these votes.” All across the left side of the “blogosphere” there have been negative comments about McIntyre’s vote, even some comments calling for someone to oppose Mike in the primary.

Republicans, such as Breazeale, have been critical of the attempt by Congressional Democrats to expand the SCHIP program beyond the original purpose of providing affordable health insurance for low income families who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford health insurance for their children. “The Democrats wanted to expand it to include families earning as much as $82,000 per year” said Breazeale “The Republican plan was to increase funding to allow the plan to continue with the original purpose and focus on lower income families – not middle income families. The bill as proposed by the Democrats, now including McIntyre, is just another step toward their goal of socialized medicine”

Monday, October 15, 2007

From Michael Yon

Michael Yon posts from Iraq as an independent embed. Here is his latest:

Achievements of the Human Heart
October 15, 2007
Achievements of the Human Heart

When the 1-4 CAV first arrived to set up COP Amanche, the neighorbood looked beyond hope.

On April 30, 2007, I published the conclusion of a two-part dispatch, Desires of the Human Heart, about the efforts of the 1-4 CAV to transform an abandoned seminary into COP Amanche, an outpost in a Baghdad neighborhood that had been all but deserted after more than a year of sectarian violence. One of the last photographs, shown below, depicted the 1-4 Commander, LTC James Crider, looking out over the compound which his soldiers had managed to make operational over the course of a single weekend. I captioned the photograph with this modestly optimistic thought:

[Read it all]

Will's Weekly Newsletter

Breazeale08 Weekly Newsletter 10/15/2007

Hello from Atlanta Georgia!

Why am I writing from Atlanta? I am here for the next 2 weeks undergoing recertification training on the Boeing 737 I fly for Airtran Airways. This is the first time since returning from Iraq in June 2007 that will operate my 737 at my civilian job. I have used the time since returning home from Iraq to organize our campaign and I am glad I did!

I did manage to squeeze in 2 campaign stops this past week in Fayetteville, the second largest city in our district behind Wilmington. I campaigned at the Military Officers Association of America (of which I am a member) and listened intently to their guest speaker, one of the local leaders of the Base Realignment Commission. Did you realize that when this realignment of our military forces is complete, the only place that will have more Generals in the United States than Fort Bragg will be the Pentagon? Go to for more information. Wouldn't it be nice for our local Congressman to be a military officer who can relate to and instantly work with these Generals for the good of Fayetteville? As the Chief of Protocol for a 3 Star General in Kuwait during 2004, I already have met many of the General Officers in the military.

I also attended the March of Dimes Auction in Fayetteville Thursday with 500 people in attendance. I actually met a lawyer who is a part of a law firm comprised of all Republican lawyers in Fayetteville....imagine that! It continues to be amazing to me the amount of people that just walk up to me and ask: "Are you the Republican and Iraq War Veteran running against McIntyre?" When they find out I am, they always follow up with a handshake and a offer of help for our campaign. Many follow up with a donation check on the spot!

I was interviewed this past week concerning the Democrats over-expansion of the SCHIP program – which was created in the '90's by the GOP to help low income working families insure their kids. The GOP sees a need to increase funding but the Democrats want to extend it to families making over $80,000 a year. McIntyre voted against this legislation, saying he had "concern that Illegal Immigrants would access free health care benefits." Folks, I don't believe this is the REAL reason he voted against the SCHIP....the real reason is because he is trying to save his job. He knows his record of voting with Pelosi's liberal Democrats over 90% of the time before we announced our campaign will hurt him – he thought his job was safe. Now he is looking over his shoulder.

Now that we have the momentum, he is trying to vote conservative because he knows this district is conservative. We are already making a difference by putting pressure on McIntyre! I give straight answers. The reporter recognized this and said, "Will, I can always count on you to be genuine." The truth is that the SCHIP was a backdoor attempt by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies to take the first step towards socialized medicine. I am formulating a plan to help every American (legal Americans) get affordable private health insurance, not a copy of the failed Canadian health care system. I will announce this plan on another aircraft tour of the district in the Spring of 2008. When I am in Congress you will have a Representative who is not afraid to take a leadership role on important issues like affordable Health Care.

As always, please keep the contributions coming in. You can mail them or just donate over our website with your credit card. I also ask each of you to host a house party for our campaign and invite your friends and neighbors. I will be there to listen, talk and raise money. Just call Ashley at 910-409-7023 to schedule your date! Or on our Campaign site

Thursday, October 11, 2007

For God and Country

White Lake, NC – Congressional candidate Will Breazeale said here today “I am
appalled by the news that Speaker Pelosi agrees with the decision of the
Capital Architect refusing to allow the word God on a certificate issued with
a flag purchased by an Eagle Scout to honor the scout’s grandfather.” He went
on to say “The specific phrase, ‘In honor of my grandfather Marcel Larochelle,
and his dedication and love of God, country, and family’, is hardly a
subversive attempt to undermine the foundation of the nation.”

Very similar phrases can be found in many places that are hardly subversive or
political in nature. Take the American Legion: the Legion’s constitution
begins: "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together. . ."

The Boy Scouts’ oath: “To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout

The Girl Scouts: “On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help
people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The North Carolina Constitution : “We, the people of the State of North
Carolina, grateful to Almighty God…”

The Declaration of Independence: “When in the Course of human events, it becomes
necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected
them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate
and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle

Breazeale agrees with the more than 100 members of Congress who have signed onto
a letter from Ohio Congressman Michael Turner to Pelosi calling for a change in
the policy and calls on Rep. Mike McIntyre, who voted to elect Speaker Pelosi,
to sign on as well.

According to Rep. Turner members of Congress vet the appropriateness of messages
constituents request with the flags, and their discretion should be

"We have the responsibility for these common sense issues that might arise with
flag inscriptions and this one is basic," Turner said. "The architect has
decided the word 'God' is offensive. This rule should not be allowed to

Friday, October 5, 2007

Breazeale Donates to March of Dimes

Wilmington, NC – Airline pilot Will Breazeale of White Lake attended the March of Dimes Celebrity Chef Auction at the Wilmington Hilton Hotel Thursday night. He donated a sightseeing flight of the Wilmington area to the auction to help them raise money for their effort to reduce premature births.

A three time veteran of the Iraq Wars and no stranger to volunteering for worthy causes Breazeale said “This is just such an important event, helping to find ways to prevent premature births, I’m proud that I could do my small part in the effort to raise money”. As a member of the Angel Flight Network of Southeastern North Carolina Will also volunteers his time, money and flying skills to fly critically ill patients from Southeastern North Carolina to destinations all over the Eastern United States for medical treatment and testing.

The evening saw several hundred local people come together to sample the excellent food prepared by local chefs and to bid for the donated items. The wonderful food prompted Breazeale to comment “If these people had been cooking for us in Iraq, I’d have had to get my body armor let out!”

“My goal of raising ten cents per foot of elevation was slightly optimistic” he said, “ but if I hold the ceiling to one mile it will be close.”

During the social hour before the auction, the people attending got to find out from Breazeale about his run for Congress in the 7th district, which includes Wilmington.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Congressional Candidate sees Iraq War Plan validated

Congressional Candidate sees Iraq War Plan validated

Fayetteville, NC – Three tour Iraq war veteran Will Breazeale, candidate for Congress in North Carolina’s 7th district, and a major in the Army Reserve, said today he is encouraged by the report that Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes Iraq could assume security control of southern Basra province from British forces within two months. This dovetails exactly with what Breazeale has been saying since his return from Iraq earlier this year.
Breazeale’s plan proposes would turn over the security protection duties for sections of Iraq to the Iraqis as the local forces are deemed ready. Province by province, city by city. He envisions reducing the overall US and Allies presence there to roughly half the current deployment, with 30,000 manning a permanent base in northern Iraq and another 40,000 remaining temporarily in Baghdad only until the stability and security of their government is achieved. Breazeale said “this plan puts pressure on the Iraqi Security Forces to defend their own country to the maximum extent possible.”
Breazeale said “I believe that as the new free government in Iraq grows stronger and more stable, these other governments in the region are seeing the value to themselves of a stable, free, non aggressive neighbor”.
Breazeale cited a Reuters’ report from Oct.1, indicating many other Islamic countries like Indonesia, Azerbaijan and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to send ambassadors to Baghdad. Iraq's foreign minister Hoshiyar Zebari is quoted as saying "We have been able to discern a perceptible shift in favor of Iraq by many countries which until now had been much less engaged. These impressions were confirmed during meetings last week at the United Nations in New York."
Breazeale concluded saying, “the evidence keeps coming in that the surge is working, the US troops in Iraq are doing their jobs well and they will be returning home victorious”.

Illegal Immigrants to steal citizens’ right to equal representation

“Illegal Immigrants to steal citizens’ right to equal representation” says Congressional Candidate

White Lake, NC – Commenting on a report from UPI, Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale, seeking the 7th District of North Carolina, said “Illegal immigrants will be taking away representation from American Citizens after the next census.” The districts of the 435 members of Congress will be redrawn sometime after the 2010 census and that plan will be distorted by the millions of illegal immigrants, according to the article Breazeale referred to.

Because the number of districts is fixed, an influx of people in any one area as determined by the census will result in that area being assigned more Representatives than areas without such an influx. Although these people are not legally in the country, they will be counted by the census. The current ratio is about one Representative for every half million people. “If 12 million illegal aliens are counted that means 24 districts will have fewer American Citizens than the average. This comes down to illegal aliens stealing representation from people who are here legally,” said Breazeale.

“This is just one more reason”, he said “that we must immediately resolve the illegal immigration situation, because it will only get worse the longer it is allowed to continue.”

Someone named Fredrick, commenting on the UPI article wrote "Illegals can vote in North Carolina. All they need is a drivers license and they hand [sic] that out like crazy. La Raza recently had a voting drive and this will definitely help us Democrats in the next election."

Breazeale found it “simply incredible” that someone claiming to be a Democrat would be bragging that encouraging millions of people invade our country and steal votes from legal citizens!

Information on Will Breazeale’s campaign can be found at


Link to UPI story referenced in release: