Sunday, December 2, 2007

Breazeale applauds agreement on Iraq War end

Fayetteville, NC – The Iraqi Government and the US are working toward an agreement by the end of next year that will result in a permanent US military presence of approximately 50,000 troops. This presence is intended to provide security and stability for Iraq and the region.

In a press briefing Monday at the White House, Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute described the agreement between President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki which lays out a framework to the two countries arriving at an agreement like the “long-term bilateral [agreement] with Korea. There are about a hundred countries around the world with which we have bilateral defense or security cooperation agreements. You should think about the one that's emerging here with Iraq as one in that same sort of setting.”

According to Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale (NC-7), a Major in the Army Reserve who recently returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq, this agreement parallels his stated position calling for such a troop reduction and a permanent presence.

“The Iraqi security forces have the ability in many parts of their country to accept responsibility for their own protection,” said Breazeale, “The Iraqi soldiers I trained in northern Iraq this past year have what they need, we need to give then the ‘keys’ and let them drive! They need a push out of the nest – so to speak”

Breazeale also pointed out that the time may have come to reduce our presence in other places, like Korea – troops deployed to previously war torn areas – that no longer need our stabilizing presence and transfer those troops to the new and similar situation in Iraq.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

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