Independent Iraq War correspondent Michael Yon applauded by Iraq War veteran and Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale
White Lake, NC – Independent Iraq War correspondent Michael Yon, who embeds with various US Army and Marine units in Iraq and is funded by donations from readers of his web site, was applauded by Iraq War veteran and Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale. Calling Yon’s reports “a breath of fresh air” Breazeale commended his efforts while criticizing the main stream media’s reports.
From Michael’s web site: “Telling soldiers' stories from the frontlines is dangerous work that few do as well as Michael Yon. Risking combat injury, intense heat, sand and dust storms, and jarring explosions: the cost is crushing. Most major news organizations can't afford to keep a footprint here, yet Michael Yon does it without corporate sponsors or advertisers. He receives no funding or financial support from Fox News, or any movie, book or television deal. He is entirely reader supported.”
Yon’s latest report comes after a return trip to the US that coincided with General Petraeus’ testimony before the US Congress. “I was at home in the United States just one day before the magnitude hit me like vertigo:” Yon wrote “America seems to be under a glass dome which allows few hard facts from the field to filter in unless they are attached to a string of false assumptions.”
Breazeale echoed these observations calling the news coming from Iraq “distorted, at best, out right fabrication at worst” referring to the fabricated stories published in The New Republic called “Shock Troops” where a soldier, for his own purposes made up stories of atrocities involving himself and other US troops.
“There is real progress being made in Iraq, the US troops are performing professionally and intelligently as they train the Iraqis to take over their own security” said Breazeale who himself returned from his third tour in Iraq this past June. “Much of the area I was in, north of Baghdad, is pacified enough and the locals trained well enough that the Allied troops could start withdrawing from that area and most areas of Iraq where Iraqi Army Divisions have achieved the required strength to defeat the insurgents.”
Citing the recent report by retired Lt. Gen. Sanchez -who reported “As I assess various media entities, some are unquestionably engaged in political propaganda that is uncontrolled,” - Breazeale agrees with Yon saying “the real story in Iraq, the victories being won, the progress being made there, is not being reported to the people in the US and around the world by the media.” He continued “that is why independent reports like those from Michael Yon are so important.”
Will Breazeale is seeking the NC 7th district seat in Congress which represents southeastern North Carolina from Ft. Bragg in Fayetteville to the outskirts of Camp LeJeune near Wilmington.
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