Thursday, October 4, 2007

Illegal Immigrants to steal citizens’ right to equal representation

“Illegal Immigrants to steal citizens’ right to equal representation” says Congressional Candidate

White Lake, NC – Commenting on a report from UPI, Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale, seeking the 7th District of North Carolina, said “Illegal immigrants will be taking away representation from American Citizens after the next census.” The districts of the 435 members of Congress will be redrawn sometime after the 2010 census and that plan will be distorted by the millions of illegal immigrants, according to the article Breazeale referred to.

Because the number of districts is fixed, an influx of people in any one area as determined by the census will result in that area being assigned more Representatives than areas without such an influx. Although these people are not legally in the country, they will be counted by the census. The current ratio is about one Representative for every half million people. “If 12 million illegal aliens are counted that means 24 districts will have fewer American Citizens than the average. This comes down to illegal aliens stealing representation from people who are here legally,” said Breazeale.

“This is just one more reason”, he said “that we must immediately resolve the illegal immigration situation, because it will only get worse the longer it is allowed to continue.”

Someone named Fredrick, commenting on the UPI article wrote "Illegals can vote in North Carolina. All they need is a drivers license and they hand [sic] that out like crazy. La Raza recently had a voting drive and this will definitely help us Democrats in the next election."

Breazeale found it “simply incredible” that someone claiming to be a Democrat would be bragging that encouraging millions of people invade our country and steal votes from legal citizens!

Information on Will Breazeale’s campaign can be found at


Link to UPI story referenced in release:

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