Hello from Atlanta Georgia!
Why am I writing from Atlanta? I am here for the next 2 weeks undergoing recertification training on the Boeing 737 I fly for Airtran Airways. This is the first time since returning from Iraq in June 2007 that will operate my 737 at my civilian job. I have used the time since returning home from Iraq to organize our campaign and I am glad I did!
I did manage to squeeze in 2 campaign stops this past week in Fayetteville, the second largest city in our district behind Wilmington. I campaigned at the Military Officers Association of America (of which I am a member) and listened intently to their guest speaker, one of the local leaders of the Base Realignment Commission. Did you realize that when this realignment of our military forces is complete, the only place that will have more Generals in the United States than Fort Bragg will be the Pentagon? Go to www.bracrtf.com for more information. Wouldn't it be nice for our local Congressman to be a military officer who can relate to and instantly work with these Generals for the good of Fayetteville? As the Chief of Protocol for a 3 Star General in Kuwait during 2004, I already have met many of the General Officers in the military.
I also attended the March of Dimes Auction in Fayetteville Thursday with 500 people in attendance. I actually met a lawyer who is a part of a law firm comprised of all Republican lawyers in Fayetteville....imagine that! It continues to be amazing to me the amount of people that just walk up to me and ask: "Are you the Republican and Iraq War Veteran running against McIntyre?" When they find out I am, they always follow up with a handshake and a offer of help for our campaign. Many follow up with a donation check on the spot!
I was interviewed this past week concerning the Democrats over-expansion of the SCHIP program – which was created in the '90's by the GOP to help low income working families insure their kids. The GOP sees a need to increase funding but the Democrats want to extend it to families making over $80,000 a year. McIntyre voted against this legislation, saying he had "concern that Illegal Immigrants would access free health care benefits." Folks, I don't believe this is the REAL reason he voted against the SCHIP....the real reason is because he is trying to save his job. He knows his record of voting with Pelosi's liberal Democrats over 90% of the time before we announced our campaign will hurt him – he thought his job was safe. Now he is looking over his shoulder.
Now that we have the momentum, he is trying to vote conservative because he knows this district is conservative. We are already making a difference by putting pressure on McIntyre! I give straight answers. The reporter recognized this and said, "Will, I can always count on you to be genuine." The truth is that the SCHIP was a backdoor attempt by Nancy Pelosi and her cronies to take the first step towards socialized medicine. I am formulating a plan to help every American (legal Americans) get affordable private health insurance, not a copy of the failed Canadian health care system. I will announce this plan on another aircraft tour of the district in the Spring of 2008. When I am in Congress you will have a Representative who is not afraid to take a leadership role on important issues like affordable Health Care.
As always, please keep the contributions coming in. You can mail them or just donate over our website with your credit card. I also ask each of you to host a house party for our campaign and invite your friends and neighbors. I will be there to listen, talk and raise money. Just call Ashley at 910-409-7023 to schedule your date! Or on our Campaign site aWILLtoWIN.com.
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