I know, Santa is coming but so is that crucial end of the year - gotta do this so it goes on this year's taxes - is only a week after Christmas. Why do we have to do that?
If the FAIR Tax were implemented that week between Christmas and New Years would be no big deal. It wouldn't matter what you bought or paid for or donated to before the end of the year! There would be no need because there would be no income tax.
This year you can do some year end - last minute donating that could mean in future years you would not ever have to think about income taxes (at least federal ones) again.
Make a donation now to a FAIR TAX supporter - Will Breazeale - who is running for Congress. Help him and the other FAIR TAX supporters build the momentum needed to dump the income tax and all that goes with it.
See that SlateCard widgit over there? Click on it, get out your credit card and send him $10.40 (or more) in honor of scrapping the income tax. You can then select the FAIR TAX Badge to show him you support him because of the FAIR TAX.
Send this message or a link to it to every one you know that hates the income tax (I know that is repetitive - cause every one I know hates the income tax - so just send it to everyone).
You can read more about Will at aWILLtoWIN.com
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing. The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle |
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress |
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