Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter 12-10-'07

Hello all,

One day closer to the birthday of Jesus! I have never been a fan of Jesse Jackson, but I do believe in one thing he says: "Keep hope alive!" Christmas reminds me of the hope that Jesus gave us with his sacrifice and his grace for us. We have so much to be thankful for and to "hope" for in this country.

As you read this, I am campaigning hard in Sampson County and The Sampson Independent Newspaper is interviewing me. Sampson County is the only county that McIntyre lost in his re-election effort in 2006. Sampson County is solid Republican proven by the fact that they have a Republican Sheriff who I will be meeting with soon to ensure we win Sampson County in Nov 2008. This past Saturday, I attended a fundraiser for Hospice in Columbus County that was heavily attended by local physicians. I am thankful for the support from many of the dedicated physicians who deliver the excellent Health Care to the citizens of District 7.

The more I talk to people on the campaign trail, the more I realize that illegal immigration is our District's largest and most passionate issue. It really upsets me that the Mexican Government is critical of our efforts to deport illegal immigrants. I have a proposal....let's withhold Mexico's aid package from our government until they seriously help us end illegal immigration.

I was in San Diego, California this past week on a layover with my airline. I was eating at Little Italy and got into a conversation with a group of people concerning illegal immigration. EVERYONE in this liberal city seemed to be in favor of letting illegal immigrants stay. No wonder Californians like them elect Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

Let's keep in mind that a large amount of illegal drugs like cocaine are shipped into the U.S. through Mexico. In 2000 242 tons of cocaine were shipped into the U.S. In 2005, the total increased to 397 tons! The border HAS to be secured, even if we have to triple the Border Patrol to make it happen!

How can you help us? Call my scheduler, Ashley Stanton at 910-409-7023 and invite me to speak to a group you are a member of. We have to get our message out to be successful. We will win on the issues but those issues have to be heard. Your financial support will help us get the message out as well, you can mail a check or use your credit card to donate to our campaign at

Thanks and God Bless


PS – Have a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

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