The fight for the high ground continues on the campaign trail! This week has been busy. I had a wonderful time having a town hall meeting with students from Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC. Another great thing is that at least half of the students I spoke to will be 18 (voting age) by Nov 2008 and they are overwhelmingly Republican! I would like to thank Mr. Nate Gergel, the government teacher at Waccamaw Academy for the invitation to speak and for his challenging instruction to his students. (My 15 year old daughter Darienne is one of them!)

Saturday, my aggressive campaign staff and I descended on Bladenboro, NC in Bladen County and St. Pauls, NC in Robeson County to participate in their Christmas parades. Our Democrat competition, Mike McIntyre, decided to sleep in instead of participating in the parades. He must be scared that I would debate his pro-illegal immigration stance with him in public. I also had a great visit with First Baptist Church of Dublin, NC this past Sunday as we worshipped our loving God together.
I want to announce another great addition to our campaign staff in the Campaign Photographer position: Nick Gore. Nick is a 16 year old Senior at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC and is a wonderfully talented photographer and campaigner. He is very informed on the issues and is a very conservative Republican. He will attend most parades and events to provide pictures for our press releases and website.
I heard from Kim Cotten, President of the Young Republicans of N.C. this week. She was happy to inform me that her organization has adopted our campaign as one of their focus races in the state because of our great prospect for success and our unlimited energy!
Finally, I am excited to announce that our Campaign Manager, Rob Boyce, personally talked to a Top Tier GOP Presidential Candidate about helping our campaign while he was in New Hampshire last week. We are working with the candidate’s staff to put together an event near the South Carolina border with our District...so stay tuned!
Have a great week and enjoy your Christmas shopping!
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Paid for by Breazeale for Congress |
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