Hello all!
As a soldier in the Army Reserve, there comes a pride in our role protecting America. We must stay in shape and pass our physical fitness test every 6 months. If you are curious, go to www.apft.net and take a look at our standards. Can you pass the test? As I go running every morning by the homes of my neighborhood in White Lake, NC, I take pride in my decision to serve America in 1986, joining ROTC in college. In only 2 years I can retire from my part-time Army Reserve job. Many of you have asked what I would do once elected as your Congressman if the Army decides to deploy me back to Iraq or even elsewhere. Certainly I would go with my unit and NOT expect special treatment. Leaders lead from the front, not from their office.
We are still focusing on fundraising and it is paying off, but there is still a long road ahead. We have scheduled house parties, furthered our plans to bring nationally known figures to support our campaign. We are very close to a arrangement for me to appear on national TV and Radio as the most experienced Iraq War Veteran running for Congress.
Like most people I’ve been following the Presidential campaigning through the early primary states since one of these gentlemen will be our next President. Having them all right next door to the district for the South Carolina primary gave my campaign staff and I a chance to see up close and personal how these campaigns operate. We were impressed by what we saw. The strategy of Mitt Romney’s campaign particularly impressed us. While the other campaigns have hop scotched across the country picking some states where they expected to do well and ignoring others, Romney has been campaigning in them all. He won Wyoming and Michigan while doing well in several others, sort of a Tortoise and Hare strategy. Our campaign is doing the same thing – we have already campaigned in all 10 counties that make up the district, we are not counting on a just a couple of areas to pull us through. I will be the Congressmen from the entire district and intend to win the hearts and minds of all the citizens who live here.
I will be a guest on the Big Talker, 93.7 / 106.3 FM in Wilmington this Friday morning (1 Feb) at 8:30 am. Curtis Wright, the show's host, is broadcasting live from The Dawson Street Urgent Care, 608 DAWSON STREET, Wilmington, NC. Our discussion will focus solely on healthcare. I have spent time talking with poor uninsured people as well as hospital administrators in the district. Most of my family is in healthcare as well as many of my close friends. My brother is a MD, my mother is a BSN, my step mother is a PHD of Nursing and my sister in law is a Nurse Practitioner. What I know is - There IS an answer to every problem if we work together, but Hillary Care is not it. Please listen to the show then join me afterwards at the Cracker Barrel restaurant at College and Market in Wilmington for a round table discussion and meet and greet:
Cracker Barrel
21 Van Campen Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
(910) 794-1162
(Behind Carrabas)
I will be there from 10-11 am in the back corner of the restaurant. Come by and tell me what is on your mind. Take care!

PS: We are gearing up for the battle ahead and need to recruit troops and equip them for battle. You can help by sending this on to several friends, calling friends and telling them about the campaign and me, letting your co-workers know what is going on. You can also help us with a donation or asking others to donate. A $100 donation today will buy about 50 yard signs or pay one month’s utilities on one of the offices we will be setting up or buy pizza for volunteers making phone calls. A team effort requires a large well equipped team. We need you!