Sunday, February 10, 2008

Will Breazeale at CPAC

This past week Will attended the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) in Washington, DC. This was an excellent place for him to meet and network with people from all over the country who can be of assistance to his campaign.

These included the Young Republicans and College Republicans. There is a vast amount of energy encased in those two groups. Several expressed interest in spending time this summer in a district with so much beautiful beach frontage. (Although actually seeing the beach with all the work we will have for them...)
The Radio row and Bloggers row were interested in interviewing Will and the other members of the Iraq Veterans for Congress group. This included nationally known blogger John Hawkins from Brunswick County .
The 12 members of the Iraq Veterans for Congress were well recognized by the attendees. The blogosphere is already abuzz with reports on Will and the others. (Googling 12 Iraq Veterans will produce lots of hits).
Several interviews were done and are showing up as Podcasts or YouTubes.

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