Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Newsletter

It is Christmas Eve and there is one thing I would like to emphasize. The Republican Party is a party of peace through strength. "Peace on Earth" will only be achieved by having the strength to keep rogue nations and organizations in check. Veterans like myself feel for our soldiers who are paying the price, being away from their families during Christmas, but this sacrifice shows our national resolve to preserve peace and our way of life which involves freedom of religion among other rights and privileges.

Beginning 2 Jan 08 we will be in our "4th quarter" for this election. This begins the period where our campaign will do what it takes to win this race. This will involve long working hours and no days off, especially for me. Every spare minute I have, I am calling people for donations to the campaign, reading a variety of newspapers to keep up on the issues and I am looking for events to meet the most people possible to tell them our innovative ideas to better their lives and our country.

I urge each of you to go the extra mile in helping our campaign in 2008. Please do not wait for us to creative and come up with ways you can help us...especially financially.

I pray for you and your families to have a wonderful and meaningful celebration of Jesus' Birth. Have a happy and safe New Year as well!

God Bless,


Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, December 17, 2007

Newletter 12-17-07

It is almost Christmas! I ask all of you to continue to pray for our soldiers and their families, as Christmas is a very tough time of year for the many families separated by distance and danger. I should know, I have spent 2 of the last 3 Christmas Days overseas in combat zones myself.

Now for this week's issues:

Victory for airline pilots and your traveling safety was accomplished this week! The House and Senate unanimously approved raising the retirement age for the nation's 80,000 airline pilots from 60 to 65. This allows pilots to financially makeup for their disappearing pensions due to the terrible effect that 9/11 had on the financial bottom line of airlines. Many airlines like US Airways and United were granted Bankruptcy Court approval to cancel their pension plans. This left my fellow airline pilots in a terrible financial position for retirement. Now pilots can work an extra 5 years to build up their savings and to provide you with more experience to serve you as you travel. It took Congress and the President less than a week to make this change in the law happen. This shows what can be done when our government works together!

Earmarks have reared their ugly head. I was reading USA Today's December 12th edition and the December 14th edition and we all know that the many US House and Senate members like to bring home the pork, but you may not know just how out of control they are! For fiscal year 2008, the House had $4.5 Billion in earmarks for an average of $10.7 Million per requesting member. This is outrageous! And much of this money is to reward contributors for funding their campaigns. The money for the earmarks is not the personal money of Members of is YOUR tax money that they are wasting just to keep their jobs.

Mike McIntyre is guilty of the same thing. One his many earmarks included $75,000 to a golf cart company in Bladen County which gained the laughter and the amazement of local residents. When Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats took control of Congress last January, they said they would change things particularly they would end the abusive earmarks. As with nearly all the other campaign promises they made, their words did not match their actions. The Democrats continue to break their campaign promises by maneuvering to squash any scrutiny of numerous earmarks which were inserted secretly into appropriations bills. North Carolina’s taxpayers will never know if these secret projects are nothing more than a boondoggle. Think about it, do you want your hard earned tax dollars spent on Pork Barrel projects with no scrutiny? McIntyre does, he had plenty of opportunities this year to vote against earmarks - but he won’t do it – if he votes against theirs, they might vote against his!

In the meantime, I am going to ask all of you who are not looking for Pork Barrel earmarks for your continuing financial support. Just whip out your credit card and donate on-line at Most of our contributions are under $250 which is fine with me. I would much rather have 1,000-$250 contributions than 250-$1,000 contributions!

Until next week,
P.S.- Please remember to call our scheduler, Ashley Stanton, with your date to hold a house party/fundraising reception for me with your friends and family in attendance. When you book a date, our events coordinator, Nicole Siemer and her team, will come and help you setup before the party to make it a huge success.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Help scrap the income tax!

I know, Santa is coming but so is that crucial end of the year - gotta do this so it goes on this year's taxes - is only a week after Christmas. Why do we have to do that?

If the FAIR Tax were implemented that week between Christmas and New Years would be no big deal. It wouldn't matter what you bought or paid for or donated to before the end of the year! There would be no need because there would be no income tax.

This year you can do some year end - last minute donating that could mean in future years you would not ever have to think about income taxes (at least federal ones) again.

Make a donation now to a FAIR TAX supporter - Will Breazeale - who is running for Congress. Help him and the other FAIR TAX supporters build the momentum needed to dump the income tax and all that goes with it.

See that SlateCard widgit over there? Click on it, get out your credit card and send him $10.40 (or more) in honor of scrapping the income tax. You can then select the FAIR TAX Badge to show him you support him because of the FAIR TAX.

Send this message or a link to it to every one you know that hates the income tax (I know that is repetitive - cause every one I know hates the income tax - so just send it to everyone).

You can read more about Will at

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More veterans running for Congress

Cross Posted from SteveMaloneyGOP

Bulletin: If you want to support our troops -- and all of you do -- please be aware of the veterans who are running for Congress, including William T. Russell, Eric Egland, and Duncan Duane Hunter (the presidential candidate's son). Please be good enough to go to their web sites and offer them any assistance you can.

It's clearly time to send people to Congress who actually have first-hand knowledge of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Russell, Egland, and Hunter do.

Air Force veteran and former Rhodes Scholar Heather A. Wilson of New Mexico is running for the U.S. Senate seat in New Mexico. She's the only female veteran ever elected to Congress. Heather is a staunch supporter of the military and an expert on foreign affairs, especially in the Middle East. She's exactly the kind of person we need to improve the quality of government in DC. You can find her site at:

A Vets4Russell web site will be appearing soon, and I urge everyone to visit it. Veterans are a critical constituency for Murtha opponent William T. Russell. There are approximately 50,000 veterans in Russell's 12th Congressional District of PA. We won't get all of them, but we will get the vast majority of them. The damage Murtha has done with his irresponsible comments about Haditha is incalculable.

I'll be one of the contributors to the site.

I also urge everyone to visit the Web site of the only female veteran ever elected to Congress -- Air Force Academcy graduate and Rhodes Scholar Heather Wilson. She's running for the New Mexico Senate seat to replace Sen. Pete Domenici. You can find her at:

The absolute best way we can "support our troops" is to elect quality people like William Russell and Heather Wilson. Contributing to these fine people is the best step we can take to improve the quality of our government. Please do so today!
steve maloney

The absolutely critical challenge in the Russell Campaign are how to "detach" conservative Democrats from the Murtha column. In the 12th District, there are twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans.

However, many of those Democrats -- up to 45% -- have shown themselves willing to vote for Republican candidates. In 2004, President Bush -- not the most popular figure in PA -- got 49% of the vote against John Kerry. In fact, Bush won Murtha's home county (Cambria).

Murtha's recent statement that "The Surge is working" reflects the fact that he's feeling the "heat" from the Russell Campaign. Many veterans in the district look at Murtha's disgraceful statements about the Haditha Marines and wonder, "Gee, what's wrong with good ole John?"

The Russell Campaign needs to convince such people that Murtha has "lost it," that he's more concerned with preserving his own political power than protecting the troops. Many Democrats are beginning to recongize that but they're not quite willing -- yet -- to vote against Murtha.

Of course, Murtha gets conservative votes because many people in the District believe "He brings home the bacon!" As I've pointed out previously -- using Bureau of Labor Statistics data -- Murtha DOES NOT bring home the bacon.

Yes, he does use taxpayer dollars to bring some "captive jobs" to the Johnstown area. However, most of the District remains economically depressed. The median household income in the 12th is one of the lowest in the state -- about the same as inner-city districts in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Do conservative Democrats in the 12th know these things? A growing number do, but a majority still believes that Murtha has done great things for the District.

Murtha's focus in the 21st century has been to raise huge amounts of cash for his campaigns. Until the year 2000 -- and you can find this in OpenSecrets -- his campaign funds were about average, even though he rarely even had any opposition. He's had strong opposition only once in this century, but every two years he raises Brobdinagian funds that are double the congressional average.

In other words, if you want tens of millions in federal handouts ("earmarks") from John Murtha, you'd better be prepared to pony up with huge "donations." Apparentely, the funds get distributed back to various supporters, including his former aide Paul Magliochetti (of the PMA lobbying Group). Magliochetti makes millions from Murtha's actions -- and returns hundreds of thousands in campaign gifts.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has received tens of millions in federal dollars via Murtha. UPMC, also the former employer of Rep. Jason Altmire, is known for wildly overcharging patients and their insurers. This supposed "non-profit" generated a surplus (i.e., profit) of $460 million in the first nine months of 2007. UPMC has given more than $300,000 to Murtha in this century -- including $100,000 in 2007.

Are most conservative Democrats aware of the strange goings-on with campaign funds? Apparently, very few of them are. The notion that Murtha is "a good guy" is one of the abiding myths in the 12th District. But grown-ups eventually stop believing in myths.

There are real opportunities here for the Russell Campaign. Murtha's past electoral successes are based on illusions about who he is and what he does.

Posted by Stephen R. Maloney at 7:56 PM 1 comments

Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter 12-10-'07

Hello all,

One day closer to the birthday of Jesus! I have never been a fan of Jesse Jackson, but I do believe in one thing he says: "Keep hope alive!" Christmas reminds me of the hope that Jesus gave us with his sacrifice and his grace for us. We have so much to be thankful for and to "hope" for in this country.

As you read this, I am campaigning hard in Sampson County and The Sampson Independent Newspaper is interviewing me. Sampson County is the only county that McIntyre lost in his re-election effort in 2006. Sampson County is solid Republican proven by the fact that they have a Republican Sheriff who I will be meeting with soon to ensure we win Sampson County in Nov 2008. This past Saturday, I attended a fundraiser for Hospice in Columbus County that was heavily attended by local physicians. I am thankful for the support from many of the dedicated physicians who deliver the excellent Health Care to the citizens of District 7.

The more I talk to people on the campaign trail, the more I realize that illegal immigration is our District's largest and most passionate issue. It really upsets me that the Mexican Government is critical of our efforts to deport illegal immigrants. I have a proposal....let's withhold Mexico's aid package from our government until they seriously help us end illegal immigration.

I was in San Diego, California this past week on a layover with my airline. I was eating at Little Italy and got into a conversation with a group of people concerning illegal immigration. EVERYONE in this liberal city seemed to be in favor of letting illegal immigrants stay. No wonder Californians like them elect Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer.

Let's keep in mind that a large amount of illegal drugs like cocaine are shipped into the U.S. through Mexico. In 2000 242 tons of cocaine were shipped into the U.S. In 2005, the total increased to 397 tons! The border HAS to be secured, even if we have to triple the Border Patrol to make it happen!

How can you help us? Call my scheduler, Ashley Stanton at 910-409-7023 and invite me to speak to a group you are a member of. We have to get our message out to be successful. We will win on the issues but those issues have to be heard. Your financial support will help us get the message out as well, you can mail a check or use your credit card to donate to our campaign at

Thanks and God Bless


PS – Have a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekly Newsletter 12-03

The fight for the high ground continues on the campaign trail! This week has been busy. I had a wonderful time having a town hall meeting with students from Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC. Another great thing is that at least half of the students I spoke to will be 18 (voting age) by Nov 2008 and they are overwhelmingly Republican! I would like to thank Mr. Nate Gergel, the government teacher at Waccamaw Academy for the invitation to speak and for his challenging instruction to his students. (My 15 year old daughter Darienne is one of them!)

I also ran a 6.2 mile race with Special Operations soldiers from Fort Bragg. Fort Bragg is hilly and windy which makes for a very challenging run. It brought back visions of when I was a ROTC cadet in 1989 at Fort Bragg when I was being tested by Army officers to make sure I had what it takes to be an Army Officer myself. I issued a challenge to the soldiers to run faster than me in the race. 109 of them did as it took me 48 minutes to cover the 6.2 miles. I drew the name of SSG George Traver of 7th Special Forces Group as the winner of a sightseeing flight over Fayetteville piloted by me for SSG Traver and his family at a date of his choosing. Congrats Sergeant!

Saturday, my aggressive campaign staff and I descended on Bladenboro, NC in Bladen County and St. Pauls, NC in Robeson County to participate in their Christmas parades. Our Democrat competition, Mike McIntyre, decided to sleep in instead of participating in the parades. He must be scared that I would debate his pro-illegal immigration stance with him in public. I also had a great visit with First Baptist Church of Dublin, NC this past Sunday as we worshipped our loving God together.

I want to announce another great addition to our campaign staff in the Campaign Photographer position: Nick Gore. Nick is a 16 year old Senior at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville, NC and is a wonderfully talented photographer and campaigner. He is very informed on the issues and is a very conservative Republican. He will attend most parades and events to provide pictures for our press releases and website.

I heard from Kim Cotten, President of the Young Republicans of N.C. this week. She was happy to inform me that her organization has adopted our campaign as one of their focus races in the state because of our great prospect for success and our unlimited energy!

Finally, I am excited to announce that our Campaign Manager, Rob Boyce, personally talked to a Top Tier GOP Presidential Candidate about helping our campaign while he was in New Hampshire last week. We are working with the candidate’s staff to put together an event near the South Carolina border with our stay tuned!

Have a great week and enjoy your Christmas shopping!

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing.

The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Will runs in Charity 10K - Jingle bell Jog

Ft. Bragg, NC –Will Breazeale, Congressional Candidate and Major in the Army Reserve participated in the Jingle Bell Jog 10k run at Ft. Bragg Friday Nov. 30th .

Air Tran Airways pilot Will Breazeale, helping to promote the 29th annual Jingle Bell Jog 10k run to benefit the 7th Group Association, is providing a sight seeing flight to one lucky participant. The names of runners placing ahead of him were placed in a drawing for the flight with Will at the controls of a twin engine private aircraft. United States Army Staff Sergeant George Traver, of Headquaters Service Company, 2/7 Special Forces Group was the lucky winner.

The event raises money to assist needy soldiers of 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) based at Ft. Bragg. Over 1,000 are expected to participate – serious runners as well as "fun walkers". The event is open to everyone. It begins and ends at the John F. Kennedy Plaza on Ardennes Street.


Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Breazeale visits Waccamaw Academy

Whiteville, NC – Three American Government classes at Waccamaw Academy in Whiteville were visited by Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale on Thursday November 29th. They learned from him his election issues and discuss those and other topics. The students are planning a trip to Washington DC early next year and will use what they learn to enhance their learning experiences on the trip.

Breazeale is a three tour Veteran of the Iraq Wars and a Major in the Army Reserve. The third tour ended this past June. He expects some of the discussion will involve those related topics.

Among the students was Breazeale’s daughter, who is a student at Waccamaw Academy. The students will be invited to visit Breazeale’s Campaign web site at where they can find additional information about his background, public statements and issues positions.

SSG Traver wins scenic flight from Will

United States Army Staff Sergeant George Traver, of Headquaters Service Company, 2/7 Special Forces Group, is congratulated on winning a sightseeing flight piloted and donated by Will Breazeale, the Republican Candidate for Congress from District 7. Breazeale is also a Major in the Army Reserve. Breazeale challenged all participants to "beat the candidate" by running faster than him in a 6.2 mile race called the Jingle Bell Jog held at Fort Bragg, NC on 30 November 2007. SSG Traver is happy to have won the prize for he, his wife and children.

Breazeale applauds agreement on Iraq War end

Fayetteville, NC – The Iraqi Government and the US are working toward an agreement by the end of next year that will result in a permanent US military presence of approximately 50,000 troops. This presence is intended to provide security and stability for Iraq and the region.

In a press briefing Monday at the White House, Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute described the agreement between President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki which lays out a framework to the two countries arriving at an agreement like the “long-term bilateral [agreement] with Korea. There are about a hundred countries around the world with which we have bilateral defense or security cooperation agreements. You should think about the one that's emerging here with Iraq as one in that same sort of setting.”

According to Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale (NC-7), a Major in the Army Reserve who recently returned from his third tour of duty in Iraq, this agreement parallels his stated position calling for such a troop reduction and a permanent presence.

“The Iraqi security forces have the ability in many parts of their country to accept responsibility for their own protection,” said Breazeale, “The Iraqi soldiers I trained in northern Iraq this past year have what they need, we need to give then the ‘keys’ and let them drive! They need a push out of the nest – so to speak”

Breazeale also pointed out that the time may have come to reduce our presence in other places, like Korea – troops deployed to previously war torn areas – that no longer need our stabilizing presence and transfer those troops to the new and similar situation in Iraq.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress

Will opposes NCCC mandate to accept illegal aliens

Whiteville, NC – Responding to the news that North Carolina’s Community Colleges must now accept illegal alien students, Congressional Candidate Will Breazeale has a somewhat different take than some others quoted in the media. While he agrees with others who have decried the situation and say that if the policy stands they will support legislation to reverse the policy, Breazeale sees it as yet another symptom of the Democrat controlled Congress failing to address the overall problem of illegal immigration.

“If we think of this in terms of my airline, we have planes full of paying passengers – the citizens and legal residents – that are being weighed down by stowaways hiding in the baggage area or impersonating paying passengers – the illegals,” said airline pilot Breazeale, “The planes can still fly for a while but the airline – our society – has to pay more for fuel and maintenance on the overloaded planes and eventually the airline would have to buy more and bigger airplanes in order to keep the paying passengers in the air. Of course the price of those tickets – taxes - will have to rise and the level of service for those paying passengers will decrease as more is demanded by the stowaways.”

The blame for the community college situation lies with current members of Congress who have failed to fully address the illegal immigration problem. The solution will be new members of Congress, like him, who will bring a new determination to solve such problems according to Breazeale, a solution that will include closing the border, increasing security of our social security system, denial of public benefits including attendance of public schools and stopping all federal funds flowing to “sanctuary” cities.

Breazeale is seeking the NC-7th District seat currently held by Democrat Rep. Mike McIntyre. The district covers all or part of ten counties in southeastern North Carolina – from Fayetteville to Wilmington.

Paid for by Breazeale for Congress