Thursday, June 12, 2008
McIntyre and Pelosi cost over North Carolinians $1.68 a gallon
McIntyre and Pelosi have blocked drilling for the extensive oil deposits in North Alaska and off shore in the lower 48 states. Cuba is allowing the Chinese and others to drill in areas that US companies are prohibited from drilling by Congress. McIntyre and Congress have also blocked any new gasoline refineries being built – even though the damage from Hurricaines’ Rita and Katerina showed how shockingly short of refinery capacity we are.
McIntyre voted against legislation that would have eased restrictions on building refineries and also against building refineries on abandoned military bases. He also has voted against drilling for oil. He has also voted to increase taxes on gasoline producers – even though gasoline is one of the most taxed commodities already with the Federal government and the states taxing many times the oil companies’ profit on a gallon of gas.
What the USA needs is a comprehensive policy on energy – drilling for new oil where it exists here in the US – building new nuclear power plants – allowing our abundant supplies of coal to be mined and used to provide clean affordable power – encouraging private enterprise to develop new alternative sources of energy – allow US oil companies to expand their refining capabilities – end subsidies for converting corn to ethanol, which does little to expand energy supplies but greatly inflates the cost of food.
Candidate Will Breazeale and the Republicans in currently in Congress have a plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reduce the price of gas. The estimate is that rather than $4.02 per gallon it would be $2.04 per gallon. These are not pie in the sky proposals like windmills and solar. There is nothing wrong with wind and solar - but they will not substantially reduce our dependence on foreign oil for years. They are not proposing punitive taxes on the people who actually produce oil and gas.
Here is an estimate based on data produced by the Office of the House Republican Whip:
Republican Plan to Lower Gas Prices
Bring onshore oil online (ANWR, Shale)$0.70 -$1.60
Bring deepwater oil online (OCS)$0.90 -$2.50
Bring new refineries online (none since ’76)$0.15 -$0.45
Cut earmarks to fund gas tax holiday$0.18
Halt oil shipments to SPR$0.05
Savings (at least):$1.98
The people of North Carolina deserve better representation than Mike McIntyre costing them up to $2.00 a gallon – they need Will Breazeale working to keep their money where it belongs – in their own wallet!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Was superdelegate McIntyre's vote worth $101,249?
But then it is part moonshine!

Liberals like Mike McIntyre think buying up feed corn to brew "Corn Likker" and putting it into our gas tanks is a new novel idea - he claims to be an NC native but he seems more like a "revenooer". Bet there are still quite a few folks around who understand about drivin around with a tank full of "white lightnin".
He not only has driven up the cost of gas but the cost of food too! But then trial lawyers like him have never understood the real cost of anything!
Monday, June 9, 2008
McIntyre drops last shred of "Blue Dog" image
The first indication that his image was slipping was when he voted to make ultraliberal Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House. He has followed that with many votes with the liberals against the conservative principles of the voters in district 7.
He has finally shown his true colors by endorsing Obama for President and calling for the Democrat Party to "unify".
The story, as reported by WWAY TV3 generated the following comments:
Mikey takes a stand
Submitted by Guest666669588 (not verified) on 7 June 2008 - 11:26am.
Big Mike takes time away from writing pork checks to endorse Obama! Geez...which is the lesser of two evils.....Obama or pork?
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McIntyre supports a Socilaist
Submitted by Guest Rapper on 8 June 2008 - 9:18am.
I have voted for McIntyre every time since his second election. I have appreciated his support for the military and the Second Amendment.
His recent rantings against oil companies made me start to wonder if he was jumping on the nutjob left-wing bandwagon, and his announced support for Obama leaves little doubt in my mind. He wants a committee chairmanship, and will not get it without towing Pelosi's line.
Hopefully many others will send Mcintyre a goodbye message by NOT voting for him in November. It will take every one of us, because the entire Western half of District 7 is occupied by societal sponges with their hands out collecting TANF, food stamps, Medicaid, and every other program YOUR tax dollars fund.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Breazeale issues Debate Challenge to McIntyre
The text is as follows:
27 May 2008
Dear Congressman McIntyre,
As you know, I am the Nominee of the Republican Party for U.S. Congress District 7-NC. I wanted to write to you for two reasons: to congratulate you on your recent re-nomination for U.S. Congress District 7-NC as the Nominee of the Democrat Party and to formally challenge you to a series of debates between now and Election Day on 4 November 2008.
Our country and Congressional District face very important issues such as our lagging economy with associated high gas and food prices, our inefficient and complicated tax system, the War in Iraq, Health Care and the illegal immigrant problem. Many people in our district are hurting and want answers from us, not political posturing. You have declined to debate ANY candidate running against you since you were originally elected in 1996.
You have stated to the media that “people know you so you do not need to debate.” The average person moves every five years in this country. As you know, our district experiences constant change every year from new people and businesses who I will submit do NOT know you. In fact, as I campaign around our district, I find the average person cannot even name you when asked who their Congressman is. It is clear, that in order to fully inform the people of this district on the issues so they can make an informed choice at the polls, we MUST debate! As a trial lawyer, you know the truth only comes out upon cross examination. It is time for you to give the people of this district a chance to cross examine our positions on issues that matter to them.
This brings me to the following proposal:
1. Agree to debate me in an open forum with allowances for TV, radio and print media coverage at least 4 times starting in July and continuing once per month until October. (July, August, September, October)
2. All debates should last 2 hours.
3. At least 2 debates should be in town hall format with questions from the audience.
4. At least 2 debates should allow open exchange between us.
5. No debate should happen twice in any county to ensure the entire district has a chance to see us in person.
Any other details can be worked out between our staffs. The contact person for my staff is George Bell, Campaign Manager, at 910-508-0537. I ask
your campaign to respond to this request no later than 15 June 2008 with an answer and/or counter offer. I urge your participation in the proposed debates.
Will Breazeale
Republican Candidate for Congress
(Dist. 7-NC)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Breazeale at Freedom Park Ceremony

By Drew BrooksStaff writer
Don Talbot recognizes that others may not hold the same high esteem for Memorial Day that he does.
The master of ceremonies Monday for the annual ceremony at Freedom Memorial Park knows much of the country sees the holiday as a day for the mall or the beach.
But for Talbot and the hundreds that gathered at the park in downtown Fayetteville, the day is still about remembering what others gave for our freedoms.
“There are too many people in this country that don’t understand that,” Talbot said while standing among the stone monuments dedicated to the region’s veterans.
Army Reserve Maj. William Breazeale, the event’s keynote speaker, had a similar message.
The three-war veteran with more than 18 years of military experience has served during operations Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
Breazeale heaped praise upon the veterans in attendance and those being honored for sacrificing their lives for their country, but added a somber message: they would not be the last needed to serve their country.
“We do live in an imperfect world,” he said. “Wars will always go on.”
On his latest tour of duty, Breazeale lost three of his friends.
“The hardest thing to do in life is to say goodbye to someone you love,” he said. “If you know someone who has died in a war, Memorial Day is not one time a year. Memorial Day is every day.
But Breazeale did not feel that death should discourage anyone from serving his country.
“I know it’s OK to hire someone to clean your house or mow your lawn,” he said. “But I don’t think it’s right to have someone fight for your freedom if you can do it yourself.”
Monday, May 26, 2008
Newsletter 5-26

I was always taught growing up that to achieve positive results you should never quit. It really disappoints me whenever I meet people ready to give up on Iraq and this war against terrorism. Look at what happened in Vietnam. The vocal anti-war protesters, aided by biased media reporting brought about an unconditional withdrawal. This cost the lives of many Vietnamese who had fought with us. It also encouraged the slaughter of millions in other parts of Southeast Asia. Despite that, the seeds of freedom and Capitalism were sown. Vietnam has gone from a war torn country in the early 1970s abandoned to communist rule, to a thriving CAPITALIST country today. They have one of the most productive oil and gas industries in the region and drilling for more. Vietnam has the fastest growing tourist industry in the world. Over 370,000 Americans visited Vietnam last year alone. It took over 30 years, but Vietnam has

I make this correlation to Iraq today. There have been difficult times there, sometimes the situation seemed desperate, but we ARE succeeding and MUST see this fight through. We are setting in motion a transformation similar to the one Vietnam has witnessed but with our support it will not take 30 years and hundreds of thousands or millions of innocent lives. I really believe this in my heart based on my experience in Iraq at all levels of helping their government.
My staff continues to make aggressive plans to win this race for Congress! One of my top priorities continues to be a debate with McIntyre whenever and wherever. The people of this district deserve an open and honest debate on the issues important to the district, to see exactly who it is that will represent them in Congress. I am passionate about your conservative issues and it will show during a debate...I promise!
Organizations all over this country are making their decisions on who to endorse in this race. This means my filling out numerous questionnaires on my positions, making hours of work for me each week. The work is important, especially with McIntyre resisting open debates. These groups help to spread the real word on the issues to the people they represent. The National Association of Wholesale Distributors' Political Action Committee endorsed me for Congress on 14 May 2008. This adds a network of supporters and individual donors to our campaign. Others will announce their endorsements soon. Why not beat the rush and pledge a donation today at our web site
I sincerely hope that you will continue to talk about my campaign
to your friends. Please keep the support coming!
Remember the Fallen today,
Take care!

P.S. Over a year ago, Mike McIntyre sponsored a bill which was to "fix" the price of gas - that was when gas was under $3 a gallon. He and his liberal cronies have sure succeeded - they fixed it at $4 a gallon. How long can we afford representation like that? Please go on-line now and donate to send a real Representative of the people to Washington!
We can't afford more promises from McIntyre

If you are having a sense of dejavu - you are not alone!April 10, 2008
McIntyre Backs Measure To Lower Gas Prices
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre is supporting legislation to lower gas prices, put money into the pockets of Americans, and save taxpayer dollars.
Congressman McIntyre stated, “Gas is way too high! We must do all that we can to help provide relief to our citizens as we approach the summer months when demand increases and prices will likely continue to rise.
Just a year ago he proudly sponsored another bill:
Congress targets gas gouging, oil cartels
By: Dave Pearson, State &
National Editor
Issue date: 5/31/07 Section: State & National
Gas prices are a nationwide concern, even at the highest level. The U.S.
House passed two bills last week aimed at affecting the price consumers pay for
Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., sponsored a bill titled The
Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act, which allows the Federal Trade Commission
to investigate and fine companies for charging exorbitantly high prices.
That worked really well didn't it - the "High Prices" then were under $3 a gallon! We can't afford him sponsoring more bills "affecting the price consumers pay for gasoline."
Support Will Breazeale for Congress - NC-7
Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day
With Will delivering the keynote speech at the Freedom Memorial in Fayetteville this seems an appropriate photo galery.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Breazeale Right for the job?
Will say’s “No Amnesty” for illegal immigrants, and wants to end automatic U.S. citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants in the U.S. and wants strict enforcement of employer laws pertaining to hiring illegal immigrants. Strengthening our Nation’s economy.
Will also believes the current income tax system should be abolished and replaced with a system for taxation that is fair and rewards those who produce and create jobs and not those with the best tax accountants and attorneys.
He understands what we need is a fair, simple, transparent tax system that any American can understand at a glance. A system that doesn’t hide the tax burden in the cost of goods and services; a system that will allow working people, wage earners, to take home their entire paychecks, with no deductions.
He supports a tax system that will eliminate post-April 15th anxiety over whether or not we will be one of the unlucky millions of people who are assessed a civil penalty by the IRS each and every year, or who receive the dreaded audit notices.
Will believes there is one plan that can do all that the FairTax, the perfect vision of a federal consumption tax.
This is why Will Breazeale is the right person for District 7 U.S. Congress.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Who likes the Farm Bill? Hardly anyone - except those who profit from it!
At one time the government was concerned that farmers could not continue if they could not sell their crops at high enough prices, so Congress passed laws that would cause the government to buy some of the crops at those higher prices propping up the price - supply and demand. Then, the government having bought these crops and not really wanting them would either send them as humanitarian aid to third world countries or give them to people here with low incomes.
Now they just pay some people not to grow something so that those who do can get the higher price. Then they just give money to people with low incomes and more money to third world countries. Or their current plan literally burns taxpayers' dollars by buying up sugar at far above World commodity price and then selling at steep discounts to companies who will make it into ethanol for cars!
Oh, what economic wizards these Congressmen be!
With US and World food prices rising, third World countries rioting over food, chain stores in this country rationing rice and our Congress expands the multi Trillion dollar debt in order to pay farmers to grow less or even not grow altogether. In what alternate universe does this make any sense? I feel like I'm trapped in that SciFi series "Sliders" and am really expecting "Cromags" to show up next!
Here in southeastern NC Congressman Mike McIntyre is crowing about his having helped pass this bill. A quick check of his campaign contributions shows why. Since April 2007 he has raked in over $30 thousand from the big sugar farmers, NONE from North Carolina. And scrolling through just the top few dozen recipients found over $40 thousand in donations to Mike. No telling how many more came from the other couple thousand people on that list who get money from the bill. It is no wonder he has a million dollars in his war chest.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Farm Bill Sweet as Sugar for McIntyre
Lumberton, NC – Order iced tea in Southeastern North Carolina and the waitress will expect you want it “sweet” – with lots of sugar, that is the way many people take it here. Democrat Congressman Mike McIntyre (NC-7) is a fan of sugar as well, to the tune of some $30,000 just since last April. That is how much “Big Sugar” contributed to his campaign in the past year.
According to the NC Dept. of Agriculture web site, sugar is not an NC grown crop or product. These donors to McIntyre’s campaign are predominately from Florida. What is the connection?
The bill also provides for Uncle Sam to buy sugar at the artificially inflated prices from the producers and then sell it at deep discount to the companies that produce ethanol! What a great idea from McIntyre’s Democrat controlled Congress. Funnel taxpayer’s cash to sugar producers and then sell the sugar at a loss! No wonder this country is Trillions of dollars in debt and the dollar is dropping in value!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
English only ballot bill
The New Bern Sun Journal has more on Rep. Jones' bill:
U.S. Rep. Walter B. Jones co-sponsored a bill introduced on Wednesday to require
all federal elections ballots to be printed in English.
"It is important for people living in the United States to speak and understand English," Jones said. "A common language is what makes a nation one."
"Multi-lingual ballots not only divide American voters by language and cause needless confusion at the polls, they impose an unnecessary financial burden on state and local governments."
The American Elections Act would amend the Help America Vote Act and Voting Rights Act to require English ballots in all U.S. elections except those in which translations of American Indian or Alaskan dialects are needed.Jones said a poll of Americans in 2006 showed that more than 60 percent of Americans want all U.S. election ballots printed in English only and that Congress should listen.
Friday, May 9, 2008
McIntyre still balking at endorsing a Democrat Presidential Candidate
News reports have him attending meetings with both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in DC after the NC votes were tallied but neither swayed him. Perhaps he understands the voters in his district better than the national party machine does. Every Presidential election since McIntyre was first elected in 1996 the district has cast a majority vote for the Republican. George W. Bush carried it with 54%. Even Bob Dole won there!
McIntyre knows that he needs votes from people who will not vote for the Democrat at the top of the ticket, either Hillary or Obama. He also knows that his district will also vote to re-elect Sen. Elizabeth Dole this fall. He doesn't want to make any of them angry with him. In fact, he might just want to show up at campaign events wearing Dole and McCain lapel stickers. After all the rank and file Democrats will automatically vote for him just because he is a Democrat but those Blue Dogs, the Reagan Democrats – the Conservative Democrats who have voted for him in the past might just slip and support one more Republican as they scroll down the ballot. With Conservative Republican candidate Will Breazeale, a Major in the Army Reserve and an airline pilot, he faces his strongest challenge since his fist election.
McIntyre gets failing grade from Club for Growth
Club for Growth Releases 2007 Congressional Scorecard
Washington -
Today, the Club for Growth released its 2007 annual scorecard, awarding the
Defender of Economic Freedom award to six senators and forty-nine
representatives who scored a 90 or above on the Club's scorecard (see
"These top-scoring members of Congress are staunch defenders
of American taxpayers," said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. "Their votes
are critical to lowering taxes, cutting wasteful spending, and promoting
economic growth for all Americans. The Club for Growth scorecard allows
taxpayers to see how their senators and representatives are performing in
Congress and find out who is truly fighting for pro-growth, limited-government
policies. We hope that support for pro-growth principles will continue to grow,
allowing more members to earn this award and more Americans to benefit."
Yet another reason to change Congress by replacing McIntyre with Breazeale
Congress Needs to Take On Cost Overruns -- Too often, the lawmakers can't agree on where there is waste in government. The problem is that everything in Washington, D.C. seems to have an army of lobbyists and powerful lawmakers playing defense at the slightest hint of trouble. But we think a recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) can break the impasse.
The report found that the 95 Department of Defense (DoD) weapons programs worth $1.6 trillion had had a total of $300 billion in cost overruns. The GAO has been doing this analysis of programs annually since 2000 and cost overruns and delays are actually worse than when they first started tracking.
Read the Rest of this Wastebasket...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Breazeale Clears the Air
White Lake, NC- Political campaigns have come to include too many personal attacks and smears. Some have likened running for public office to enduring a public medical examination.
As an effort to derail any possible misunderstandings or rumors, candidates now announce many details of their private lives, things that most citizens would leave out of their everyday discussions. An example of this is Sen. McCain's recent revelation that as a young naval officer he visited strip clubs.
Will Breazeale, candidate for Congress in the 7th North Carolina District, has decided to release some details of his life rather than have others speculate. It is already public knowledge that he is divorced and has a 15 year old daughter. Divorce and child support are often areas that generate curiosity. He stated that “As often happens, a court is involved in determining how much child support I should pay, this came about after my income jumped because of a promotion with my airline and after spending a year in the war zone with no income tax on my Army pay. We are in negotiations as to what the new level should be.” He said it should be resolved amicably in the near future and that his daughter has been campaigning with him.
He went on to say that divorce involving members of the military is too high. Serving the country, often over seas and physically separated from spouses and children is stressful and too often leads to divorce. Before his two latest deployments he had moved himself to his current home in White Lake, NC in order to be near enough to his ex-wife so that they could share custody of their daughter. Of course when he deployed for two out of four years to the Iraq war zone, shared custody had to end and child support questions were inevitable.
Commenting on other topics sometimes examined under the microscope of political campaigning, he listed several points:
- He holds a Secret Security Clearance with the US Army, the latest review and renewal being January 2008.
- He passed an FBI clearance required of all airline pilots following 9/11.
- He passed further background checks for his position as a Major in the Army Reserve and as a volunteer with the Bladen County Correctional Center.
- He has never been convicted of a crime.
- He has never been found in contempt of court.
- He was awarded the Bronze Star medal by the US Army for service during his recent deployment.
Finally, he acknowledged, “I did have my pilot's license suspended once upon a time for 90 days for flying too low over my home of White Lake. We all have to make some mistakes!”
Monday, May 5, 2008
Newsletter 5-5-2008
Thank goodness the Primary is almost here! Since I have no primary opponent, my name is not on the Primary Ballot, but neither is McIntyre's. I have been focusing on voters of this district on the one and only race in district 7 - the one that will be decided on November 4th 2008.
I have begun challenging McIntyre's campaign through the media and by letter to schedule a

The truth is he is ashamed of his liberal voting record and ashamed of the the standard bearers of his party: Hillary and Obama. That is evident in his refusal, as a Super Delegate for the Democrat Party, to endorse either of them!
Saturday was a busy day....I competed in a triathlon held in my hometown of White Lake, NC. Swimming 750 yards in the open waters of White Lake, biking 14 miles around the lake, then running 3.1 miles to the finish line. This was great preparation for the race I am in with a November 4th finish line! Nothing inspires people more than to see their candidate for Congress running to a strong finish! I was also thrilled to see Whitney Cook of Wilmington wearing a Breazeale for Congress T-Shirt during the competition!
After the triathlon, I ran (OK for this leg I drove) to Oak Island for a speech to fellow Veterans of Foreign Wars members. Their applause and encouragement reinforced the fact that veterans want a change in leadership in this district. It means so much to them that they have as a Congressional candidate someone who made the sacrifice, just as they did, by serving in the military. A candidate who knows first hand the dangers and difficulties involved in fighting for our country. They recognize that McIntyre only knows what he has been told in Washington committees or what he has
seen on junkets or whirlwind visits to bases - being treated as a VIP, only seeing what the "Brass" wants him to see. They know that I will continue to serve our country after I am elected making this a safer and stronger nation.
My personal tradition of service will continue through programs like Fair Health - to improve our citizens' access to affordable health care and Fair Tax - to stimulate our economy!
As you read this, I am piloting a 737 for Airtran Airways 41,000 feet above the earth, serving the passengers by safely transporting them to exciting destinations on the west coast for work or pleasure, however nothing is more exciting to me than the prospect of winning this Congressional race for
all of us. Keep up the good work and the prayers! (And a donation would be greatly appreciated!)

PS: After Saturday, Kyle Busch leads the Sprint Cup Nascar series in points but the real race will be the Championship that will be determined next November. Whoever wins that long race will need lots of help, their pit crew, their sponsors and their fans. Just like this Congressional race, the "Driver" can't win all by himself. I need your help as well. I need you as a volunteer for my "pit crew", as a donor or "sponsor", as a voter or "fan"! Here's an idea - invite some friends over for a BBQ before a Nascar race - I'll drop by to chat with my "fans" and "sponsors" before the race - now that would be a great summer afternoon! Contact our events scheduler and we'll help set it up!
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle |
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Newsletter 4-28
The answer is in my status. Since I am a soldier in the Army Reserve, I can be a federal candidate. If I were in the active or full-time Army, I could NOT be a candidate because of the Hatch act provided for in Federal law.
I disagree with this act concerning full-time soldiers but it is what it is for the time being. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina still serves as a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve and is the highest profile Reservist in Congress. When it comes to my duty in the Army Reserve, I place it as higher priority than my campaign because of my sense of duty to our country. I will have at least another week of duty before the election in November, but rest assured that while I am away at duty, my great staff and county coordinators are hard at work!
Thanks for your service to our country!
With Faith,

now to donate!
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporations, foreign nationals without green cards, federal contractors, and minors (under 18 years of age) are prohibited from contributing. The maximum contribution per individual is $2,300 per election. Therefore, a couple may contribute up to $4,600 per election. Multi-candidate PACs may contribute up to $5,000 per election. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. |
Paid for by Breazeale for Congress |
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Letter for Fair Tax supporters
Dear FairTax supporters: The FairTax campaign was very visible April 15th in Washington, D.C. when we delivered, along with the National Taxpayers Union, more than 160,000 FairTax petition signatures to Rep. John Linder and other FairTax co-sponsors.
Ken Hoagland (center) and Duane Parde, President of the National Taxypayers Union, delivering a combined 163,000 signatures to Rep. John Linder (right), lead sponsor of H.R. 25. April 15th also saw Rep. Gresham Barrett of South Carolina become the newest Congressional co-sponsor of the FairTax bringing our total to 71! We are not there yet with a majority but this represents the greatest number of co-sponsors for the FairTax to date--and we're only getting stronger. Thank you. In Washington, we took the FairTax bus to Union Station where we saw even more enthusiasm for the FairTax. The bus was, of course, eye-
The FairTax bus, flanked by DC Capital Metro police cars, at the IRS headquarters in Washington on Tax Day. It was then on the Rayburn House Office Building where we proudly carried our blown up petition poster and 103,000 petition names bound in four handsome books. We met up the new leader of the National Taxpayers Union who brought 63,000 more petition names to the event. We think it very healthy that other organizations are coming on board as excitement for our worthy cause grows. We presented the petitions, talked with many co-sponsors and snapped photos for hometown releases for the next hour. FairTax House sponsor Rep. John Linder was appreciative and complimentary and continues to push hard inside Congress. The voice of so many citizens strengthens his hand, of course. The petition will now be broken down by Congressional district and sent along to Members of Congress who have not yet come aboard as co-sponsors of H.R. 25 and S. 1025 and will be sent to each of the leading Presidential candidates. Thank you for your support and for your belief that "We, the People," can direct government policy. Together, we are moving the FairTax closer and closer to being enacted into law. This is a citizen campaign determined to make public policy actually serve the public. What's next? We need to take our message to Town Hall meetings hosted by Congressional Members in hometowns across the country. Now that April 15th is past, we will be focusing on getting the word out and asking local leaders to take our case directly to elected officials in your hometowns. Sincerely, Ken HoaglandCommunications Director
Friday, April 18, 2008
Benny al Dosakee on stage with Lee Greenwood
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Barnstorm for Breazeale and the Fair Tax

The Fair Tax is a plan to abolish the Federal Income Tax on individuals and businesses and replace it with a federal retail sales tax and credits to individuals that effectively eliminate the new tax on the amount spent on basic necessities of life. The plan would reduce drastically the
compliance costs for businesses, bring the underground economy into the tax-paying realm.
Breazeale’s web site, features a link to a Fair Tax calculator that allows people to see how they personally would be affected by the change. Will Breazeale and other Fair Tax proponents seek to make April 15th just another early spring day, not the dreaded tax
deadline it is today.
The schedule of the airport rallies is:
- 8:00 am Elizabethtown Airport (Bladen County)
- 9:00 am Fayetteville Airport (Cumberland County)
- 10:00 am Laurinburg Airport (Scotland County)
- 11:00 am Lumberton Airport (Robeson County)
- 12:00 noon Whiteville Airport (Columbus County)
- 1:00 pm Clinton Airport (Sampson County)
- 3:00 pm Kenansville Airport (Duplin County)
- 4:00 pm Wallace Airport (Pender County)
- 5:00 pm Brunswick County Airport (Brunswick County)
- 6:00 pm Wilmington Airport (New Hanover County)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Benny - Will's iraqi friend and interpreter arrives
thrain the Iraqi army to handle the security in their area of northern Iraq. He
got that and more in Benny - Bangin Al-Dosakee. Turns out he is a computer
guru as well, when their computers had problems, Benny could help. Will also
said his only worry with Benny in the backseat with a loaded AK-47 was about
safe handling of the firearm, not the intentions of the man doing the handling.
FAYETTEVILLE (WTVD) -- He helped American troops fight in the war in Iraq. Now an Iraqi citizen is getting a unique education in American politics.
He's hitting the campaign trail with a local congressional candidate[Will Breazeale].
Bangin Al-Dosakee was greeted with applause and handshakes at the Fayetteville airport Thursday. For the first time in his life, he is experiencing what many sometime take for granted -- freedom.
Monday, March 31, 2008
OP ED - Two Mike McIntyres
There seems to be two Representative Mike McIntyres. One is the conservative Blue Dog Democrat Mike that shows up when he needs the support of the people. The other is the liberal Mike that follows the lead of Speaker Nancy Pelosi when casting his votes in Congress.
On two separate occasions Liberal Mike has voted, supposedly, to correct the rising cost of gas. The first time he only addressed a very small part of the problem. He voted with the Liberals to crack down on price gouging and fight against those who attempt to fix the price of oil. Had Conservative Mike been in Washington the day of the vote he would have realized that the increase was due to lost or damaged refineries and the price of crude oil from OPEC among other things.
Liberal Mike voted against allowing floor debate on H.R.5254, the Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act. [Bill HR 5254 resolution H RES 842; Roll Call 2006-228 on June 7, 2006 that would expedite the permit process and allow more oil refineries therefore and lower the cost of fuel.]
The second time Liberal Mike joined, lock step, with Nancy Peloci to try and correct the high cost of gasoline was to attack the big bad oil companies for making too much money and receiving tax payer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief. Now, who would have voted to give these mean nasty oil companies those tax breaks? You guessed it; it was Mike McIntyre. [Energy Policy Act of 2004; Bill HR 4503 to authorize $25.7 billion tax break over a 10-year period. The tax breaks include $11.9 billion to promote oil and gas production; Roll call 2004-241 on June 15, 2004. Also HR.6; Roll call 2003-630 on November 18, 2003.]
Lately, Liberal Mike has voted to end the “Bush Tax Cuts” that Conservative Mike voted to pass. It is seriously troubling that these two people seem to occupy the same body.
Mike’s actions are not conservative. In the 7th District, it is time to replace “I can’t make up my mind Mike” with Will Breazeale- the real Conservative in NC-7.
George Bell - Brunswick County
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Newsletter 3-31-08

Hello from the front lines of politics!
I have big news for the upcoming week! This Thursday, April 3rd at 3:15pm, I am holding a press conference at the Fayetteville Airport to welcome my Iraqi interpreter from Northern Iraq: Bangian Aldosakee, known as “Benny” to those of us in the coalition forces. Benny served as my interpreter in all sort of combat situations for a year while I was advising the Iraqi Army from 2006-2007. He is brave, talented, and loves America. Benny has recently legally immigrated to New York State and is coming to Southeast N.C. to campaign with me as my special guest. Benny will be here April 3rd thru the 18th and will make many appearances all over our Congressional District. I hope all of you can be at our press conference and welcome celebration for Benny on April 3rd! If you have an organization that you would like Benny to speak to, please call our scheduler at 910-409-7023. This may be the only chance in your life to meet an Iraqi Citizen visiting in our area with such a great story to tell!
What a great week I have had. I was honored by the presence of Representatives John Linder (R-GA) and Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) at a house party fundraiser for my campaign last Friday night in Newnan, GA. The fundraiser was attended by pilots, managers and corporate officers of Airtran Airways in financial and moral support of our campaign. Rep. Linder, who also happens to be a fellow FairTax supporter, made a great point to the crowd: Mike McIntyre, our Democrat competition, is a nice guy, but his votes in Congress are NOT in keeping with the conservative values McIntyre claims to represent. Rep. Linder also made a point that if you value me bearing your burdens as a candidate campaigning 80 hours per week in order to represent you in Congress in the way you should be represented, then show you support by "writing a check!" I could not agree more. Today is the last day to give before our quarterly report deadline. Please take your credit card out and donate on our website.
This past week also found me on stage with Sen. Fred Smith and Lee Greenwood in Fayetteville. That followed an event for our campaign at the Fayetteville North Regional Library. Most of my supporters also left after our event to attend the Smith event. A very good evening!
Thursday night I was honored to speak at a fundraiser event for South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham in Spartanburg, SC.
Tuesday night saw me meeting with a group of students at the UNCW campus in Wilmington. What a great bunch of young people, all taking an active interest in politics!
Wednesday started off with a long visit on the Curtis Wright show on The Big Talker FM. Callers had several interesting questions – particularly one about what I would actually do in Washington, was I all talk about what was wrong or would I follow through with positive action. I answered that, as one of 435 members of the House I would promise to take a positive, conservative stand against increased taxes and pork barrel spending. That I would work with other like minded members of Congress and NC state officials to convince a majority to vote with us on the important issues. I am already building those “bridges” now with my contacts during the campaign with people like Representatives Linder and Westmoreland, Senators Elizabeth Dole, Richard Burr and Lindsey Graham, NC Representatives Foxx, Hayes, Myrick, and McHenry, Senator Fred Smith and Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory. By building this network now and by growing it between now and November, when I am sworn in next January as the new Congressman from the 7th District of North Carolina I will be off and running and ready to make a positive difference.
The District 7 Convention is this coming Saturday, April 5th in Bolivia. I hope to see all of you there as we confidently stride toward winning this race!!!!
PS: This battle cannot be won without your support. We are recruiting volunteers to fill out our Army’s “duty roster” but we need more and they need “materiel.” Go to and sign up as a “Recruit” to become an official part of our Army and also make a generous donation to buy the “weapons” those recruits need. Your donation today of $50 will buy enough campaign handouts for a “battle” like the Wilmington Azalea Festival. Click here to make a credit card donation right now!
Eliminate the IRS - April 15th events in District 7

Here is the schedule of stops:
8:00am-Elizabethtown Airport(Bladen County)
9:00am-Fayetteville Airport(Cumberland County)
10:00am-Laurinburg Airport(Scotland County)
11:00am-Lumberton Airport(Robeson County)
12:00noon-Whiteville Airport(Columbus County)
1:00pm-Clinton Airport (Sampson County)
3:00pm-Kenansville Airport(Duplin County)
4:00pm-Wallace Airport(Pender County)
5:00pm-Brunswick County Airport(Brunswick County)
6:00pm-Wilmington Airport (New Hanover County)
We will have a Fair Tax rally in an Aircraft hangar next to Air
Wilmington at 6:00pm. It will last until 7:00pm. Congresswoman Sue
Myrick of Charlotte (Co-Sponsor of the Fairtax Bill in the
House-HR 25) is invited to be the guest speaker at the rally.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Newsletter - 03-24-08

This week will be a key one in our campaign to elect me as your next Congressman. Below are the events I will be attending this week:
Tonight I will be at UNC-Wilmington at 7:00 pm.
- Tuesday morning at 8:00 am I will be appearing on the Curtis Wright show at the Big Talker FM in Wilmington (96.7 and 103.7 FM).
- Also on Tuesday after our event in Fayetteville, I will participate in Lee Greenwood's concert for the Fred Smith for Governor campaign at Methodist University. (For more details see the paragraph below).
- Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm we are holding a fundraiser in Fayetteville with fans of my endorsement of the FairTax.
- Friday we’ll be having a huge event in Newnan, GA, near Atlanta, organized by my fellow pilots at AirTran Airways in which will Congressmen Linder and Westmoreland, both Republicans from Georgia will be speakers.
- Saturday morning I'll be campaigning at the Planter's Day festival in White Oak, NC in Bladen County.
- Then at 4:00 pm. I will be giving a speech at the Politician's Appreciation Day in Elizabethtown.
I will be making a special announcement with Fred Smith and Lee Greenwood just before honoring our veterans with Lee's "God Bless the USA." Anyone attending our fundraiser, which begins at 5:30 pm, right before the Lee Greenwood concert are invited to Fred's fundraiser concert where they will have special reserved seating (Fred's campaign is asking for a $25, per person, donation to his campaign). What an exciting night!!!!
We are welcoming George Bell as our County Coordinator of Brunswick County. George currently serves as a Precinct Chairman in Brunswick County for the Republican Party as well. He and his family are dedicated Republicans ready to help us win Brunswick County in Nov 08! His email address is Contact him if you live in Brunswick County to become part of our organization. Please contact Rob Boyce, my Campaign Manager, if you live in any other county and would like to volunteer! We will have some special perks for our County Coordinators so sign up now!
Mcintyre's flip-flops continue....McIntyre supported the Iraq War resolution to attack Iraq in 2002. Last year, he voted with his leader, Nancy Pelosi, the very liberal Speaker of the House – his first vote in 2007 was to elect her speaker! - to immediately withdraw all troops from Iraq no later than April 2008. Now, McIntyre says the soldiers need to stay until Iraq's government is strong enough to run their own country. The people of District 7 deserve a Congressman who shows leadership, not one who changes his position like a weather vane in a hurricane! On November 4th the voters will show Mike McIntyre that they want this Veteran -- and not a trial lawyer -- representing them in Congress!
Keep the House Party requests coming!!!!
Take care

PS - When Sen. Elizabeth Dole was head of the Red Cross she says she asked people for only three things: their time as volunteers; their money – as donations; and their blood! Well, I am not asking for your blood! but I need your time and your money! Go to today to sign up!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Democrats - the Party of Lawyers
The Democratic Party has become the Lawyers' Party. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are lawyers. Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama are lawyers. John Edwards, the other former Democrat candidate for president, is a lawyer and so is his wife Elizabeth. Every Democrat nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate.) Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Benson, went to law school. Look at the Democrat Party in Congress: the Majority Leader in each house is a lawyer.
The Republican Party is different. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were not lawyers, but businessmen. The leaders of the Republican Revolution were not lawyers. Newt Gingrich was a history professor; Tom Delay was an exterminator; and Dick Armey was an economist. House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer, not a lawyer. The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a heart surgeon.
He goes on to say:
We are citizens of a republic which promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers.
Today, we are drowning in laws, we are contorted by judicial decisions, we are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once private lives.
Read the rest...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Breazeale Signs No Earmark Pledge
Striking a cord for fiscal responsibility, Breazeale said “If a project in my district needs and deserves Federal funding I will submit that as a bill or as a budget request – which will be held up to the daylight of public debate and a vote by Congress. I will not request or support these earmarks that go outside of the regular legislative process!”
THEREFORE, I, _Will Breazeale__, in my capacity as _Congressman_, do hereby pledge that I will personally support spending reform in Congress by refusing to seek, support, or enact earmarks during the appropriations process for fiscal year 2009. |
“I have no doubt that Rep. Mike McIntyre will avoid signing this pledge, since he has repeatedly submitted earmarks of his own” Breazeale continued “and refused to vote against removing even ridiculous earmarks like Rep. Charley Rangel’s $2 million for a public policy center, conference center and library that will bear Rangel’s name. Senate Republicans called it Rangel’s ‘Monument to Me’.” (Roll call 678)
The pledge is the centerpiece of FreedomWorks’ overall campaign to stop out of control federal spending and end the earmarking process. Grassroots activists will be able to download the pledge and monitor progress at the FreedomWorks sponsored site,
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Newsletter 3-17-2008

Another long, busy week, I am tired but remain inspired!!! As you saw in our email alert, Friday I appeared o

Be sure to check our calendar of events as we are always booking events near you. We are also receiving calls from many organizations to book me as their speaker. I enjoy campaigning, meeting new people and listening to their opinions. If asked to speak to a group, they don’t get a “canned” stump speech like many politicians give. My remarks always come from my heart, not a paid speechwriter. You can count on an interesting and honest speech with maybe a little humor mixed in as well!
McIntyre has been turning down speaking engagements at a record pace. Whenever it seems our paths are going to cross on the campaign trail, he fails to show up at the event. McIntyre is avoiding me at all costs, which is really bad for you. You the voters should be able to listen to both our views and see the contrast. How can you make an informed choice only hearing one half of the argument? Why is he playing hide and seek with his constituents?
I participated in a national conference call earlier this week concerning the Democrat’s new budget which renders the largest tax increase in history, over $500 Billion Dollars. Do not worry yet, President Bush will come to the rescue with his veto pen, but this situation just shows how important it is for Republicans to take back the House of Representatives. But, staple your wallets shut if the Democrats keep the House and Senate and take over the Office of the President in November 2008.
Thanks to all of you for your encouraging letters and emails. I want to especially thank State Rep. Carolyn Justice of Pender and New Hanover Counties for her support of this campaign. She is wise and energetic and like you, realizes that we need more military experience in Congress to keep us safe.
Saturday I attended a BBQ at State Senate Candidate Bettie Fennell’s home and while there I gained the endorsement of Republican Pender County Commissioner George Brown and Pender School Board member Doris Carlton. What a great bunch of people we have representing us here in the district!
Keep in mind that house parties and coffee receptions DO work and are a great way to get involved! Take care until next week!

PS: We are gearing up for all the spring festivals and are ordering the thousands of palm card handouts we’ll need. Your donation of just $61 will buy 1000 of these great looking cards or even just $30.50 to buy 500. Use this link to go to Slatecard and make that donation right now so we can be ready for the April 9th –13th North Carolina Azalea Festival in Wilmington!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Will Breazeale and Kieran Lalor on Fox News 3-14-08
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sweet Deal for McIntyre and Sugar Producers

Wilmington, NC – Order iced tea in Southeastern North Carolina and the waitress will expect you want it “sweet” – with lots of sugar, that is the way many people take it here. Democrat Congressman Mike McIntyre (NC-7) is a fan of sugar as well, to the tune of some $30,000 just since last April. That is how much “Big Sugar” contributed to his campaign in the past year.
According to the NC Dept. of Agriculture web site, sugar is not an NC grown crop or product. These donors to McIntyre’s campaign are predominately from Florida. What is the connection? Why does “Big Sugar” care if McIntyre has enough money to run for re-election?
McIntyre sits on the Agriculture Committee – where the price guarantees for sugar producers originate. H.R 2419 is the reauthorization bill that includes the “sweet deal” for Big Sugar. A very sweet deal! Under this ongoing deal – which H.R.2419 would extend until at least 2012 – the sugar producers get a guarantee from Uncle Sam that if they cannot sell their sugar on the free market for the guaranteed price, Uncle will buy it from them at that price. Besides that, Uncle Sam slaps a tariff on imported sugar to further support the price.
The bill also provides for Uncle Sam to buy sugar at the artificially inflated prices from the producers and then sell it at deep discount to the companies that produce ethanol! What a great idea from McIntyre’s Democrat controlled Congress. Funnel taxpayer’s cash to sugar producers and then sell the sugar at a loss! No wonder this country is Trillions of dollars in debt and the dollar is dropping in value!
By contributing to McIntyre’s campaign “Big Sugar” expected his favorable vote on the bill. They got it.
What did “Big Sugar” get for their money? Not only did McIntyre vote for the whole bill containing the extension and revamping of the sugar program – which he could claim was a vote for other “important” sections of the bill - he voted against an amendment that would have stripped just the sugar program from the bill. (Roll call 751)
Why do you care? Well, the price of Sweet Tea and all other products using sugar are higher because the price of sugar is artificially high. Other products manufacturers move out of the USA so they can buy sugar cheaper.
Sugar is so inexpensive in other countries – like Brazil – that they use it, rather than corn, to make ethanol for fuel. The Government Accountability Office estimates that the sugar program costs US consumers as much as $2 billion a year in higher food prices. Add to that the jobs lost, the taxpayer’s costs and the $30,000 to McIntyre is a drop in the bucket!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Breazeale Applauds GOP Senators for Illegal Immigration Bills
Several of the bills would: • Block federal funding from cities that bar their police from asking about immigration status.• Give the Department of Homeland Security the authority to use information from the Social Security Administration to locate illegal aliens.• Require construction of 700 miles of fencing along the Southern border.• Impose sanctions on countries that refuse to repatriate their citizens.• Deport any illegal alien just for one drunken-driving conviction.• Enable local and state police to enforce federal immigration laws
“Of particular importance is the deportation of illegal aliens convicted of crimes, particularly DUI”, remarked Breazeale. “We have really started to reduce the DUI deaths in this country and too many now are from illegal aliens with serial DUI records.”
Newsletter 3-10-08

This has been a pivotal week in the campaign. Fox News in New York interviewed me last week for a story to air during the Brit Hume report as early as Tuesday. I will send you an email alert when we find out the exact time. This national exposure is wonderful, increasing the Campaign’s visibility and can bring in support and donations from all across the country!
This national exposure will also mean other opportunities for high profile interviews partly because of my Iraq War Veteran status. People do trust veterans, not just for what we have already done, but for what we say and we will do. They trust veterans to get things DONE! With the current Congress’ approval rating (22%), the people are demanding Representatives who will say what they mean and do what they say! I promise you that this Veteran will fill that bill!
I had a wonderful time speaking to the Pender County GOP Salute to Veterans as their keynote speaker. State R

I look forward to walking thru Pender County with Caroline and their Republican Sheriff (one of only two in the whole district) meeting the voters and listening to their ideas on how to improve things in the County.
Newsflash: The Democratic Congress is at it again. In a display of their total lack of understanding about what it takes to serve in the military, the Democrat controlled Congress formed a Guard and Reserve study group. The group not only did not recommend improving the retirement system for the reserves but instead recommended to impose that same retirement scheme on the active military. Currently the members of the active force who retire after their 20 years can start to collect their well-earned retirement immediately while reservists must wait until age 60 to start receiving their money, even if they retire years earlier. This will devastate our active forces and cause difficulties for the Reserve forces trying to fill the void. There will be even less incentive for active members to stay in until retirement. This wrong-headed idea is similar to what happened when the Democrats controlled Congress in the early 1990s. They reduced base pay retirement to 40% from 50% also to "save money." The Army is still recovering from the loss of those valuable, trained and experienced Soldiers. The ignorance of the current Congress concerning military operations and personnel is surprising and dangerous. There is a serious disconnect between the Democratic Party and the military that worries me. Time and time again the Democratic Party has shown it will NOT take care of our military when needed.
This is exactly why I am running. There are too many lawyers and not enough of a cross section of regular people in Congress. There are too many self serving people in Congress and not enough public servants.
This Thursday I am attending an Iraq War Veterans for Congress event in Las Vegas, on Friday the Bladen County GOP Convention, and on Saturday the New Hanover GOP Convention. I am also excited about upcoming major fundraisers we are having in Fayetteville and Newnan, GA! Hope to see you at one of these events!
Take care